
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Thank you for helping me take back my life.

Images Story

By: Suzanne A Wells

Hi Dr. Berg! I am singing your praises on my YouTube channel. My viewers noticed the difference in my appearance and kept asking me what I was doing. So I answered with a video singing your praises and sharing everything I learned from you. I did a side-by-side before and after in the video to show the difference. Yikes! Lost 30 lbs A1c from 11 to 5 Off all meds (was on Metformin, Losartan, Lexapro, and statins) Never felt better and I am back to doing the sports I love Here is the video. https://youtu.be/qofSfwzz3YM Link to your site is under the video. Thank you for helping me take back my life.

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