
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Patti Schmitz Shares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto


By: Patti Schmitz

Hi Dr Berg, first and foremost I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the great video's you do!! I have learned a wealth of information from them!! My Story!! I am 55 years young!! About 3 plus years ago I was extremely depressed...gained over 140 pounds..not leaving the house..isolated myself..would go to the grocery store at night...so no one would see me...sometimes having to sit in the scooter to get around! My health was horrible A1c's .cholesterol had a c-pap machine.. etc... I remember waking up one morning and thought I need to do something or I am going to die.I wanted to see me kids grow and my grandkids as well...I have 3 boys and at that time 5 grand kids! I missed out on .so much of their lives...being isolated for about 3 years. it was horrible.!! At that point I started doing so much research on Keto (watching your videos) and low carb!! Thought I would give it a try!! I mainly focused on the low carb!! Got all my junk food out of the house and restocked my pantry with keto foods!! The first week was the hardest!!I took some vitamins..such as fish oil.. multi vitamin ....magnesium..and . cranberry pills. I am on a limited income so .I ate a lot of egg salad ..Eggs were the only thing I bought organic....chicken ..tuna...with mayo..hamburger and some greens...diet soda and water ..coffee with sugar free creamer..which had 2 carbs per tbsp..the carbs..added up real quick!. this was at the beginning of my journey...than started incorporating more foods..such as more greens.. As I said it has been 3 plus year ago..I think at my highest I weighed 300 pounds...whenever I went to the dr..I would always step on the dreaded scale backwards...but knew I was loosing inches by my clothes..Did not really get into any pictures as I said I did not go out much and when I did and the camera was out..I would not let anyone take pics of me..I do have a few...one being my drivers license..and a few others...I will share if someone wants to see them privately!..I since lost over 160 pounds ..thanks to Dr Bergs videos..I would still like to lose about another 20 pounds and again...watching Dr Bergs videos..I recently started the intermittent fasting..and I am loosing again!! ...I started exercising...started in the water at first....I can remember sitting outside the YMCA,,trying to get the courage to go in...knowing how horrible I looked in my swimming suit...after about an 45 minutes I worked up the courage to go inside!! Did the water exercises for probably a year...then started at the gym! Today I know longer take any meds except my acid reflex pill...anxiety medication.and.pill for restless legs..I don't take any meds for my diabetes....(My a1c is now at 4)...,cholesterol ..anti depressant pills.. no more c-pap machine!! Yayy! I really would love to win this giveaway, I have no gallbladder and I still have some symptoms as you mention in your videos!! If my income wasn't so limited I would have bought your products!! I have tried other brands of powders ect..that you mention in your videos and did not seem to work! I am sure I need to be on the right regimen!! Again thank you for your great video's #drberg, you changed my life!! Good luck to all!!

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