
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Elvera Naylor


By: Elvera Naylor

Hey Dr. Berg! Your videos have helped me more than you know! I am a 41 year old female who has never really had a weight problem until recently. About six months ago, I delivered my ninth child and since then have really struggled with weight and overall health. Since finding your videos (about six weeks ago) and following your advice, I have lost 17 lbs. and can feel my body healing and gaining it's youthful health back. Also, I have always struggled with milk production for my babies. But since following the Keto Plan and even incorporating intermittent fasting, I have had plenty of milk for my daughter whom I am breastfeeding full time with a no supplementation. She is happy, healthy, and satisfied. And I feel good knowing that she is getting very nutrient dense milk from all the now healthy foods that I have incorporated into my diet. Anyway, you are doing a good work and I so very much appreciate the priceless education you are giving the rest of us! I will send you a before and after when I reach my goal which will hopefully be soon! Thanks again Dr. Berg!

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