
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Thanks for the help and education that I've to learn and applied to my everyday life. Thank you very much, Dr. Berg.

Images Story

By: LaMont Tonge

Hey Dr. Berg, I lost 115lbs in 1 year by doing intermittent fasting. My highest weight in 2018 was 335lbs. Now I'm currently weighing 220lbs as of December 25, 2020. In the past, I had several problems with congestive heart failure, sleep apnea, poor circulation in my feet and ankles, high blood pressure, and terrible-looking skin. I knew that I had to change my diet and change my mindset on how to lose 115lbs as I did. When I first discovered intermittent fasting I was definitely amazed by the benefits and how it was going to help me feel good again and to lose weight. I started out doing the 16:8 fasting window and I started to lose weight significantly and I started to do High Intensive Interval Training 4 to 5 days per week. Then I did 20 hours of fasting for a long time. Then OMAD and then prolong fasting up to 5 days at one point. If it wasn't for your YouTube videos and Instagram videos then I wouldn't have changed my life. Thanks for the help and education that I've to learn and applied to my everyday life. Thank you very much, Dr. Berg.

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