
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Here we are now...50 lbs gone forever!!

Images Story

By: Angie J.

Only 4 1/2 months ago I was at my heaviest, pre-diabetic, borderline high blood pressure, swollen, puffy, and tired all of the time! I knew something had to be done. That is when I started researching. I bet I watched 1000 videos about keto and Dr. Berg's made the most sense to me. It was time to get knowledgeable and stop making excuses! So, I did! I started at 2 meals a day and tracked everything (for only the first few weeks). Then, about a month in.....OMAD just made sense. Here we are now...50 lbs gone forever!! Still a ways to go but all of those health issues have disappeared and I have my life back! Thank you Dr. Berg for giving me and my family my life back!

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