
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Sheila Borden Shares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto


By: Sheila Borden

Hello I'm a 54 year old Mother of 3 Daughters and Grandmother of 5. I have struggled with my weight since my late thirties. I would say I've used food for comfort being sad or during stressful times. I've always dreamed of being leaner and healthier. I have tried various eating plans and was successful for a short time only to gain it all back plus more. I have severe arthritis in my knees and had a total right knee replacement 4.5 years ago and due to a secondary life threatening health scare less then 24 hrs. Later I became very depressed and suffered terrible anxiety and panic attacks and very limited mobility. The weight quickly packed on due to my poor eating habits and the viscous cycle began. I was so unhappy avoiding friends and activities due to my appearance and depression. It was so hard not being able to do some of the simplistic things. I was exhausted all the time and in severe pain from my knees. I basically went to work came home and slept and ate a lot. I was not able to get down and play with my grandchildren or have nor did I have the strength and endurance to do much else. Push ahead to 2018 4 years later I planned a surprise vacation for my Husband and I down south and a few weeks before we left my other knee was so painful now I had no clue how I was going to do it. Well with help from my surgeon we went and while there I had my breaking point it may seem trivial to some but it changed my life. Due to the knee replacement and my excessive weight and general weakness I've not been able to get into a bath tub. The resort we were at had the most amazing spa tub and it had hand rails so I dreamed of spending time in there. I eagerly filled it up added all the lovely bath products I had brought along and found myself standing in the tub sobbing as no matter what I did I could not get down into the tub due to my lack of mobility and pain in my knees. My Daughter had started Keto a short time before I left for vacation and had amazing results. I vowed when I returned from vacation I was going to give it my all. We went to the grocery store and I told her put enough in my cart for one week and I will eat exactly what you tell me nothing else and I did. I struggled a bit in the begining trying to figure out how to meet and understand the macros and how to prepare food to meet them. My daughter was a huge help along with her and now my friend Bernie who had lost over 100lbs and they both support me daily. My starting weight was 255.5 lbs to date I have lost 42 lbs. I am a couple months from having my second knee replaced and I wanted to be as healthy as possible going into the surgery I feel fantastic, my constant inflammation in legs and feet have drastically improved . I'm full of energy, my mood is wonderful and my depression is now managed with minimal medication. Im having so much fun buying new clothes and receiving lovely compliments about my appearance and efforts. I've been told that I'm looking younger and younger and for a 54 year old Grandmother it feels awesome. I love teaching others about the benefits of Keto, I found Dr. Berg on you tube and completely felt at ease with his teaching methods. He makes it easy to understand. I tell everyone to start with his videos and learn all they can before starting so they have a clear true understanding if how it works and the amazing health benefits a ketogenic diet provides. I am still on my journey I have quite a bit to still loose but I know without a doubt I will be successful in doing so. Thank you for asking me to share. Sincerely Sheila Borden

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