
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Coachoc Shares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto


By: Coachoc

Hello Dr. Berg Ok so my story is in October 2016 I was not sure if I was a type 1 or type 2 diabetic. I was on metformin and multiple injections of slow and fast acting Fat Storing Hormone. I was in REALLY rough shape. I did not feel bad just knew in my head that I was not the healthiest but was ignoring all of the symptoms and issues that came along with the symptoms. I had a it won’t happen to me Complex. Today I am down over 100 lbs using a keto and int fasting diet. Brought my A1C down from around 13 to the 5 range. I am healthier now then ever before. When I was seeing an endocrinologist they wanted me to tell my story to the ADA and get it out to the public. I am no longer on ANY medication and exercise 5-6 times per week. Energy level is up and feel and look great. I just am concerned about what damage I may have already created in my body. Love your videos and enjoy going theubmy journey with you and your topics. Thanks Coachoc

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