
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Yu-Hsin Huang Shares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto


By: Yu-Hsin Huang

Hello Dr. Berg, I am not ready for the before and after images yet since I have not met my goal yet. I am 26 years old male, 5'6 and was 211.5 lbs. I've always been overweight all my life and tried many methods to drop a few weights; I would go to gym daily doing different workouts and make sure I rest well, I eat healthy and avoid eating after 7pm. And it was not much of a luck even after 2 months... So I went back and eat how I like. Just about 1 week a go before New Year, I saw your video and decided to follow your guid and give it a shot. I made a very unrealistic goal of being 180lb in 3 months for myself and didn't expect much since I haven't seen myself under 200lb in 6+ years anyway.... I watched all of your videos and do my own research then started this keto diet. And today as I am writing this message to you, you know it's success since you are about to read it now. It has been 7 days I am now weighing 195lb! This may sound too much to loose in a week but I eat healthy, make myself full and happy every meal, I do drink lots of water and follow your guild and advices on the importances of electrolytes, I do intermittent fasting and I sleep a lot. Any advices you put on the video I follow it. I even bought your latest book "The New body type guild" So I can learn much more than what you have on social media or videos. I will be writing another message to you with my before and after result pictures when I reached my goal, Thank you so much for making my life better. Not sure if you reply messages but I would appreciate it if you do. Best, Yu-Hsin

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