
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


you changed my life


By: Saad Alzahrani

Hello, Dr. Berg, I'm Saad Alzahrani from Saudi Arabia I'm 37 years old first of all I want to thank you for all that knowledge you give honesty I was about to make surgery to make my weight reduce one of my friends also keeps and trying many diets but with no result at all. He finds your channel on YouTube and he told me about it and we start with this keto diet and I found that's helps me more than anything I try before... I was 124 Kg within 4 months my weight goes down until 67 Kg... everyone asked me how I do it and no one believed if I eat more fat I will lose fat, they laughed at me when I start this kind of diet.. after 4 months they feel shuck.. even my clothes become very big when I wear it .. now I'm about one year on the keto diet and every day I'm watching your channel and I leaned may things of you. people around me or on my friends or relatives always asked me about the keto diet or any disease... There is one hard thing for people who want to do the keto diet they cannot stop eating bread they said life is very hard to leave without bread. Thank you D. Berg you change my life...

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