
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


elias abdel massih Shares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto


By: elias abdel massih

Greetings Dr. Berg, I practice intermittent fasting for almost 18 hours per day. I don't take my breakfast,instead I have my launch around 3.00 P.m. what's interesting in my story is last Sunday I took my blood sugar test and it was 109 in the morning.at 12 p.m it was still 109 .after having a good launch in two hours my glucose levels was still 109 !!! Till now I've lost 6 kg ,I consume twice daily ACV One tablespoon diluted in 200ml of water.i excerise 3 times per week ,20,000 steps and 15 min cardio. Nowaday I feel very comfortable by not eating.i can fast up to 24 hrs easily with feeling hungry. I take one pill multivitamin per 24 hours. I used to take hypertension pills and could stop taking pills by regulating my blood pressure 130/80. I am 37 years . 4 factors for hypertension : vitamin d,magnesium and calcium channels,exppsure to heavy metals,fatty liver! Now I'm healthy thank you for your guidance

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