
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Robert Smith Shares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto

Images Story

By: Robert Smith

Good morning Dr. Berg. You are my hero. I'm 53 years old and struggled with weight problems my entire adult life. I also contracted Lyme disease and was miss diagnosed for many year. In 2003 I started treatment and went thru years of antibiotics and recovered some what. From that point forward my journey began. I tried everything to improve how I felt. Went gluten free in 2008 which improved my pains some what. Which really started my thinking about what I put in my body. So I still had pain and low energy I pushed thru and kept searching for something to help me. Last February I came across a video on ACV which I've been taking on and off for years. It was your video. Which led me to take your body type quiz. My eyes were beginning to open. I started using your videos to help diagnose my problems, which all kept coming back to going Keto. Valentine's day this year I started. I weighed 250+ and still felt like crap. But really went into your Keto plan full force. I bought a bunch of your products and started. My early success (first 20 pounds) entreeged my wife and she began your Keto plan as well. Having my wife join my life style change (how we eat) really helped stay on track. I've lost over 70 pounds and feel better today then I can ever remember. Thank you again for all you do! You've help me change my life. I refer everyone I can to your web site and believe in what you do... Sincerely Robert Smith

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