Gallbladder Formula success!


By: Chris MacRae

I have had amazing success with the Gallbladder Formula, it has completely cleared up what was an absolute gallstone nightmare. Some years ago, I started having extreme gallstone attacks. I did have success with a natural cleanse remedy and was OK for two and a half years, did another couple of cleanses and OK one and a half years, kept doing cleanses, and was OK for shorter and shorter times. Latterly, the cleanses wouldn't work, even some toast with honey would bring on an attack, called the ambulance twice and ended up in an emergency. I had an ultrasound scan, and surprisingly there was only one small stone but it was very inflamed and irritated gallbladder. The only remedy offered was gallbladder removal, which I was tempted to have but refused. I had watched several of Dr. Berg's videos on gallstones, bile, and supplements and thought it might be a remedy and ordered the Gallbladder Formula. After just one capsule, I had instant relief, and now today can eat anything I like. I also have the true data and understanding of how the gallbladder works, which is fantastic! I am immensely grateful to Dr. Berg.

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