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From 438 pounds and A-fib to 225 and regular rhythm in 18 months.


By: Sean G

I started having heart rhythm problems in late 2018 and very stupidly ignored it. The problem was caused by a combination of being very overweight, a poor diet, and overuse of alcohol. In May of 2020, I was taken to the hospital by ambulance because of the A-fib with rvr. The typical response is to shock the heart back into rhythm. The Dr. told me before doing so that the shape I was in, doing so was probably going to kill me and he was unsure what else to do. After shocking me 9 times, I would not go back into rhythm but was lucky enough to still be alive. I ended up staying in the hospital for two full weeks. Multiple procedures were tried to get my heart back in rhythm but none worked. They finally decided to try a cardio ablation, luckily it worked and I went back into rhythm and was released two days later.

When I entered the hospital, I weighed 438 pounds, when I left I was 378, I lost 60 pounds of water in that two weeks. When your heart beats out of rhythm your body retains tons of water. I got home feeling a million times better and sober for two weeks, I knew I had to continue what was started in the hospital and had to change everything. So I started watching what I was eating and being more active. At least as active as one could be a mid pandemic of 2020.

In August, I ran across one of Dr. Berg's podcasts just by chance, it seemed pretty interesting. I had managed not to gain any weight back after leaving the hospital but I wasn’t losing either. When I was in the hospital, they told me I was just about to be a diabetic with an A1C of 5.9. As I listened to more of Dr. Berg's podcast, everything started making sense and I decided that the day after Labor Day 2020 I was going to start the keto and if as described in the podcasts I’d been listening to.

The day I started I weighed 370, I started out on an 18-6 fasting schedule with healthy keto for my meals. In the first month, I went down to 358. By Thanksgiving, I was doing OMAD and down to 335. When I started on Labor Day, I set a goal to be at 300 by Christmas, I beat that goal by 9 days. I continued on and I had one cheat meal a month, not a cheat day, meal. I was super committed. Then on May 4th, 2021, one year to the day of being admitted to the hospital almost dead. I had lost 200 pounds, off of all my meds perfect heat rhythm, and an A1Cof 4.7.

Since then I’ve lost a bit more, I’m down to 225 and holding. I feel amazing, I just turned 40 and I know I could run circles around my 30-year-old self. I wear out my 12 year old all the time now. 18 months sober and as healthy as I’ve been since my earlier 20s. Speaking of the 20s, I’m wearing all the expensive jeans I bought when I was 20 that I could never manage to throw away. Now I’m glad I didn’t. It’s honestly unbelievable what I’ve been able to do following the path that Dr. Berg laid out.

The knowledge gained is priceless, I also used the podcasts as motivation. Any time I felt like giving up or slipping for a day, I just listened to a few of them and it got me right back to where I needed to be focus-wise. I would like to thank Dr. Berg for everything I learned from his podcasts, as well as the drive and discipline it helped me find. Thank you Dr. Berg Sincerely, Sean G.

Through discipline everything is possible.

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