
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


From 180 lbs size 14-16 to now 135 lbs size 6-7. No more High blood pressure , depression , anxiety medicines .

Images Story

By: Maria D.

Eating healthy increases a person’s chance of living longer. Hence, it improves our moods and enhances our mental condition. I strongly believe that sugary foods cause our skin to dry and show early aging. TBT: Going through photos from a year ago Aug. 2017 at my heaviest weight 185 lbs. (48 y/o) And compare from today Aug. 2018 135 lbs. (49 y/o) Been following Dr. berg’s Keto/IF since Feb 2018 SW - 180 lbs CW- 135 lbs GW- 120 lbs Doing One day Meal from Mon - Fri then, Two day Meals on Sat-Sun I combined all these 3 workouts each week: HIIT (high-intensity interval training) on Elliptical, walking 1 mile, swimming 45 mins. Sometimes I only do 2 exercises a week all depends on how I feel and if I had a good 8-9 hrs sleep. Sleeping is really crucial for me. I have so many medical conditions along with ton of medications. I used to see 8 specialists and now I’m down to 6. I take a lot of Dr. Berg’s high-quality supplements DAILY along with other supplements he recommends. Thanks so much for your time. DON’T give up and NEVER give in! You can do this! Good luck! GOD BLESS YOU ALL. Peace ~ Ann

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