
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Cyrus Shares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto


By: Cyrus

Dear Dr. Berg, You provide some of the best videos regarding health. However, I respectfully suggest that you read Dr. Long's book concerning FMD, and re-evaluate your assessments: 1. You start with criticizing the ingredients and the supplements in the diet..!!!..Please note that Dr. Longo had provided complete information regarding the diet in the book. And any person that has the time and the discipline, can produce it. The reason he designated a company to produce the package is because most people don't have the time or the discipline to produce it. By the way, unlike most creators of diets, Dr. Longo has no financial interest and all the revenue is dedicated to medical research. 2. Humans are not in business of producing perfection, and Dr. Longo is no exception. But Dr. Longo's work shows an exquisite display of the art of an Alchemist. Please note that Dr. Longo has no objection to simple water fasting if it is done under medical supervision. 3. The current alternative is the so-called Keto diet promoting eating meat and fat..!!! It may help to reduce the carbs and sugar intake and result in weight loss. But what a disgusting way to get there---eating animals saturated with Antibiotics and Hormones. Do you really think that consuming an animal like pig that eats its own feces is healthy? And if you use the best material such as real grass fed beef, and exclusively organic material, the cost for the week will be much higher than the package provided by Dr. Longo. 4. I'm psychologist and have no financial interest in Dr. Long's diet. I have tried it with fantastic results. My wife who is an Internist/nephrologist has tried it with fantastic results. And a long list of her colleagues and patients who suffer from diabetes have shown fantastic results. 5. Dr. Berg please put down the Apple cider, and pick up a clue. And I'm not being dismissive of your love affair with apple cider. I benefited greatly from your advice regarding the Apple cider. But it time for someone with your intelligence to appreciate the art of the Alchemist.

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