
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Cannot Imagine Any Other Way Of Eating

Images Story

By: Judi P

The couple that Keto’s together stays together...AND lives HEALTHY together! Thanks Dr Berg! We began our health journey last March and discovered you and Keto/Intermittent Fasting around June. We began strict Keto/IF in August 2017. We have dropped a combined total of 185 lbs!!! We LOVE LOVE LOVE this lifestyle and cannot imagine any other way of eating! We both work out with a trainer 2x a week and do some walking/cardio 6-7 days a week. Our minds are sharp and our bodies are healthy. I am hypothyroid and until Keto could not drop more than 5 lbs. Our metabolic panels are pristine! We thank you from the bottom of our plates lol (since these after pics we’ve both dropped even more weight, both within 7 lbs of goal)

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