
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


I'm losing weight with more energy, better sleep, nicer skin, and less arthritis discomfort. Thank you!


By: Colbe Mazzarella

At age 63 I'm down to 135 pounds for the first time in many, many years! For the past 2 years, I plateaued. I thought I was eating no food that would break ketosis, but I often ate Atkins bars. I was having 3 meals, sometimes stretching the meal to include the cooking time, the mealtime, and the cleanup time. I had snacks sometimes. And I had skimpy amounts of vegetables. For 2 years I had all those healthy keto foods but without enough vegetables or Intermittent Fasting. I felt better, lots of energy but I didn't lose weight. What's working now is 7-10 cups of vegetables and 2 meals a day (noon and 5 pm). I'm losing weight with more energy, better sleep, nicer skin, and less arthritis discomfort. Thank you!

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