
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Thanks for all you do.

Images Story

By: Luis Hernandez

April 1, 2016, I was 244lbs. This is when I decided I needed to change. My cholesterol was high, pre-diabetic. My father was type 2 and my eldest brother had a vision episode which turned out was diabetic related. He started eating better and losing weight. This inspired me. First I started, walking, removed bread, pasta, rice from my diet. Weight started coming off 20lb, 2017, 20lb 2018. At 200lbs going into 2019, I discovered you and intermittent fasting. I increased vegetables, decreased carbs, controlled fats and protein. 50lbs 2019. I’ve since balanced at 155lb and my life is totally turned around. I’m happy, marriage is better than ever, energy is through the roof. I wish I could bottle how I feel and give it to my friends and family. I do try to explain my journey and hope they try it. I send links to your YouTube videos to friends and family. Thanks for all you do.

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