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Angela Rozewski's Story

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By: Angela Rozewski

Angela Rozewski first learned about keto through her epileptic son; doctors and nutritionists would bring keto up when discussing his treatment. Her concern about her son’s intense health issues was worsened by physical problems of her own. She suffered from rheumatoid arthritis (RA), pain, and inflammation, and her own condition was intensified by the stress of seeing her son hospitalized so often. She not only wanted to feel better, she wanted to be able to help her son more.

Rozewski took a look at her own health and decided to give keto a try herself.

When she began doing research on keto, Rozewski found Dr. Berg and loved the science behind his videos. “I wanted to follow just one person,” she says.“There is so much mixed information out there, I knew it would be hard to weed through. I felt that Dr. Berg's reasoning and videos were a huge help and they made the most sense.”

Because she had moved to a new city a few months before embarking on her keto journey, Rozewski actually didn’t have the support system that others might benefit from. Surprisingly, she feels that it was for the best. When she returned to visit her prior home after a few months of keto, her friends barely recognized her and the compliments felt wonderful. “Other than that, it's just me and my son,” says Rozewski. “He's my biggest inspiration!”

One of the best lessons Rozewski learned from Dr. Berg is to always be prepared. When her sonwas hospitalized, at first it seemed to make sense for her to stop keto and focus on his health, but the huge difference she experienced on keto made her realize that dropping it wasn’t a wise choice. Now, she just makes sure she’s prepared to eat the way she needs to, even if she’s spending time in the hospital or eating out with friends.

Rozewski’s initial goal when starting keto wasn’t to lose weight. She actually didn’t step on a scale for two months after beginning keto; after weighing herself at a friend’s house, shewas shocked to learn she’d lost 30 pounds (14 kg) just by changing her diet.

Now she’s down 75 pounds (34 kg) and reports that it feels wonderful. “The hardest part is not having clothes that fit, ”Rozewski says with a smile. “But it’s worth it to feel better.” Before keto, her fatigue was overwhelming and depressing. Since Dr. Berg’s tips changed her outlook on food, she’s bursting with energy.

Her RA pain has gone down and she sleeps better at night, too. There’s only one thing Rozewski says she’d do differently: she’d follow Dr. Berg’s advice to a T. “This is not a fad, it's a way of life and something I will do forever, even after goals are met,” she says.

Favorite Way to Exercise: Walk or elliptical

Favorite Keto Recipe: Cauliflower rice with bacon and cream cheese

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