
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Jeongah O. Kwon Shares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto

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By: Jeongah O. Kwon

After I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic and excess LDL, my doctor made the typical suggestions of exercise, a low sugar and low fat diet with plenty of vegetables. I joined gym and exercised vigorously. I even hired a personal trainer. I ate salads, drank plenty of water, and watched calories like people usually do. I lost a bit of weight but only after torturing myself harshly. I could not keep it up and when I burned out, I felt guilty for giving up. That kind of program was not realistic for me and only gave me extra stress. My work as a respiratory therapist in a busy hospital requires highly-focused energy. Like most hospital employees, I relied on sugar and caffeine to keep me going. But I ended up gaining weight and always felt more tired at the end of my shifts. I had to another way to lose weight and found Dr. Berg which was a big turning point in my knowledge of health. I watched almost all of his youtube videos. Obviously I did not follow his instructions right a way. I could not accept the idea that butter and animal fats could be good for dieting. “Huh. are you kidding me?” After I studied a lot about the ketogenic diet, I started following Dr. Berg’s steps. After I started following Dr.Berg’s recommendations completly, I lost 45 pounds in 3 months. It was tough in the beginning. In the first week to 10 days, I had a headache and mild fever but I just stick to his recommendations. I committed myself to following lessons for 3 months. I won $1,000 from the health challenge at my hospital job. My husband followed me and he lost quite a bit of weight too. It has been almost year and I am maintainig my weight well. I feel good about myself. Not only have I lost weight but also my skin looks brighter. I became more social because coworkers including doctors and nurses complimented me and asked me the secrete to losing weight. I told them what I followed and echoed Dr. Berg’s lectures. However, they had trouble believing Dr. Berg’s ideas and tried give health advice even though they are super fat. They just go back to everything they learned at medical school. There are many conflicting ideas about what is the healthy way to eat. I am not the person to debate this controversy or offer definitive proof. I can just show you that my body and my husband’s body is a vivid example of following Dr. Berg’s advice.

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