
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


After I loss my weight I have had no inflammation or back pain . I feel younger and stronger than I ever had before

Images Story

By: Scott E.

Hello my name is Scott and I am living the keto lifestyle. I am 53 years old, I started my lifestyle on keto 10 months ago and I have lost 55 pounds. I had two back surgeries, one in 2015 and 2017. I thank god that I found keto it has saved my life. I was walking with a cane before and I wasn’t sure I was going back to work again. After I lose my weight I have had no inflammation or back pain. I feel younger and stronger than I ever had before. I love the way I feel and I will never go back. KETO FOR LIFE. I hope this can help everyone. Thanks! Red shirt 55 pounds heavier August 2017

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