
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Jeff Shares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto

Images Story

By: Jeff

A friend directed me towards keto last year. I researched it for a week straight before deciding "I can do this!". So on June 25th 2017 I went strictly to a ketogenic diet. Dor the first week I felt horrible but i stuck through it. One day so eone asked how i was doing and it had all changed. I felt awesome! My brain fog was gone, and my mood was great. I was never a sweets eater, but for the next 3 weeks or so I craved sugar. I battled it with small amounts of berries. I also seemed to be hungry at weird points so I would take a spoonful of cream cheese or butter (yep gross sounding but satisfying). Also diring this time I found Dr. Burgs youtube channel. I binge watched as many as I could. It helped me understand the changes in my body and to help understand the process. During the next few months all of my aches and pains went away. I used to get a migraine at least once a week. Neck pain, joint pain. These all slowly slipped away. As I lost the weight I started sleeping better. I now go to sleep around midnight and wake up at about 6am to 7am fully rested. My sleep apnea is now gone. When I took my sleep study I was waking up 120-130 times per hour. Now its almost non-existant. I dream now. I just past my year Keto-versary. On June 25th 2017 I weighed in at 282lbs. On June 25th 2018 I weighed in at 217lbs. Thats 65lbs lost. I want to thank Dr. Burg for all the knowledge through videos this past year.

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