
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


38 lbs had vanished!!!

Images Story

By: Todd R.

MY STORY... I just wanted to share a little bit about what led me to this way of eating and the Keto lifestyle. I have always been a "bigger" person since I could remember, earning my nickname "Pudge". Into my adult years, my weight always seemed to fluctuate between 285-305 lbs. As I rolled into my forties, I noticed my weight spending more time close to or above 300. Last year, it even got as high as 338 and it was on my mind constantly. I had a two week period in which I split the rear out of three pairs of work pants just doing what I have done every day for the last 10 years. Then, days later, I ripped my favourite jeans simply getting into our car. When I went in the house to grab a new pair of pants, all that would fit was the last two pairs of work pants remaining in my closet. At that point, I refused to buy a single pair of pants to fit an ever expanding waist line and body... SOMETHING HAD TO CHANGE!!! I knew my eating habits were not great. Like many people, I ate a diet made up mostly of processed, quick to cook, quick to the table foods and washed it down with high sugar beverages. I decided that, until I could research and find a way of eating that made sense to me, I was going to do my best to cut out sugar wherever possible. The first thing to go would be my favourite dark and delicious bubbly sodas. When I started this drastic change in diet on November 30th of 2017, I tipped the scale at 338 lbs and could no longer fit into my 42 inch waist jeans. By December 15th, I had lost enough weight to squeeze into those jeans and had discovered this thing called Keto. I began Googling Keto recipes and started to build an eating plan. Just 30 days into this wonderful way of eating, I discovered some things were happening to me: I had more energy and did not come home from work and just flop on the couch. I was moving faster at work and finishing my day earlier. I felt fuller after eating and was not hungry as often. My appetite was not as big and I was not eating as much when I did eat. Best of all... 38 lbs had vanished!!! That is about the time that people started to notice something was different about me. My wife joined me in my new journey about this time and we both embraced this new way of eating. I am pleased to say that, as of today, I am down 80 lbs and now weigh 257 lbs and am continuing this WOE for LIFE. I have a 3 stage goal for my weight, with the first being 220 lbs. After that, depending how I feel about myself, the next goal will be 210 lbs and then 200 lbs. My hope is to get there by the end of 2018, but if it should take longer than that, so be it as long as I am close and progress is being made. I post this so that anyone in this group, or any other, that reads it might be inspired to do their own research and make a change for themselves. The first step is understanding that the way most of us eat is not healthy. The next step (and the biggest step) is being strong enough to do something to change it. GOOD LUCK to everyone starting this WOE, the results will come if you just stick with it.

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