
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


What Are the Four Body Types

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 08/31/2023

What Are the Four Body Types?

There are four different body types.

Adrenal Body Type

This is the most common which has a sagging belly and might have a buffalo hump and a round face.

They think they need to do more sit-ups, but millions sit-ups won’t get rid of the belly because it is a hormone that is causing it, called cortisol.

The cortisol (a destructive hormone) is eating up the protein in the leg and the butt and putting it in the stomach as fat.

This body type should not be exercising because they are in stressed mode. The adrenal is a stress gland that is on top of the kidneys and pumps out the cortisol.

The adrenal body type will crave chocolate, salt, and crunchy cheesy things. They will have sinuses problems and allergies. They can’t absorb calcium so they get tight calves and tight shoulders.

Where does that calcium go?

The calcium goes on top of the knees as arthritis or fibromyalgia which is pain all over.

Adrenal body types have old injuries that are stiff. Their flexibility and posture go down.

What I recommend is getting sleep and do not go on a low-protein diet. Eat a little protein with each meal. They should also add foods with potassium to get the adrenals recharged.

Thyroid Body Type

This body type has weight all over, hair loss, loose skin and outside eyebrows falling out, dry skin, thinning of the hair, and crave alcohol, bread, pancakes, waffles, and crackers.

If you have been diagnosed with a thyroid problem and the doctor gives you thyroid hormones, and you don’t get better or lose weight, that’s a secondary problem.

If you are diagnosed with a problem and the doctor gives you something for it, you should get better.

A primary thyroid condition can come from:

If your liver is not doing well and you do not have enough bile, then you can’t convert T4 to T3 - you won't have that converting activating hormones.

80% of that thyroid is controlled by the conversion from T4 to T3 through the liver and gallbladder.

If there’s a problem there, you won’t get the conversion and then you don’t fix that problem; you never fix the thyroid.

High estrogen causes conversion issue from the gallbladder and high stress from the adrenal causes an autoimmune problem.

These are the things to ask your doctor. Thyroid issues can come from the adrenal.

Liver Body Type

They will have a potbelly or beer belly. Beer destroys the liver and causes the  liver to leak into the belly.

The liver body type will also look like a protruding belly and they will have right shoulder pain.

They will also:

  • Get grouchy in the morning and will get up an hour before the alarm clock goes off. They cannot feel refreshed.

  • Have skin issues like itchy skin and digestive problems like bloating.

  • Crave fried foods of any kind. They should not be on protein diets.

  • Have real stiff backs and will have a yellowish color in the corner of their eye.

  • Have bad breath.

Ovary Body Type

Their weight is in a pouch below the belly button and in a saddle bag which means weight in the hips and thighs.

This body type will have ovarian issues, menstrual problems, and hot flashes.

They will crave creamy things like milk products such as ice cream, cream cheese, and yogurt because their body needs calcium.

Gaining knowledge about your body type through a customized test offers valuable insights into your specific physiological traits, metabolism, and potential health concerns. Understanding your body type empowers you to make informed choices regarding nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle, enabling you to enhance your overall well-being and achieve your health objectives with greater effectiveness.

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