
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


The 4 Causes of Bone Pain

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 04/15/2024

For those who experience bone pain or diseases like osteoporosis, daily tasks can easily become excruciating to perform. Understanding bone health is crucial for these people, as well as those looking to avoid future bone pain.

Learn about common causes of bone pain and what steps you can take to support the health of your bones.

Understanding Bone Pain and Its Common Causes

Bone pain can be debilitating, but what causes it? A common culprit is low vitamin D levels. This vital nutrient supports bone health. A lack of this nutrient can result in uneasiness or aches.

Dietary sources of vitamin D

The Role of Vitamin D in Bone Health

Vitamin D is essential in maintaining healthy bones because it helps our bodies use calcium effectively. However, not getting enough sunlight or having a diet lacking in fats necessary for its absorption could contribute to low levels.

Gallbladder issues and liver problems also come into play here. These organs help with absorption; hence, any disruption can reduce your body's ability to utilize this vital vitamin.

How Gallbladder and Liver Issues Affect Vitamin D Absorption

Gallbladder conditions, such as low bile levels or congestion, can interfere with how well we absorb vitamins like vitamin D. Similarly, liver diseases could cause bloating that hinders absorption.

Apart from these organ-specific issues, other factors contributing to bone pain include high-stress levels, which prevent adequate uptake of nutrients, including Vitamin D, due to cortisol overproduction.

The Impact of Stress on Vitamin D Absorption

Chronic stress can be a real party crasher, especially when absorbing essential nutrients like vitamin D. Our bodily systems are intricate, and our feelings affect how they work.

When our adrenal glands are constantly triggered, they produce a heightened amount of cortisol.

This hormone doesn't just wake us up or help us react quickly, it also interferes with how we absorb vitamin D. Research suggests high cortisol levels can inhibit the absorption of this crucial nutrient.

Cortisol: A Barrier to Vitamin D Absorption

This begs the question: why does excess cortisol cause such havoc?

Vitamin D and cortisol use similar pathways for their metabolic processes within our cells. However, when too much cortisol is produced due to chronic stress, these pathways get congested.

All those extra molecules clog up your body’s ability to take in vital sunshine-vitamin goodness. Studies have shown this interference directly leads to lower overall circulating vitamin D levels.

Maintaining Balance for Better Health

To avoid this trap, experts suggest a balanced lifestyle, which includes managing daily stresses effectively, could help.

So, if you’re feeling stressed, take a step back, breathe deep, and remember: Your vitamin D levels might thank you for it.

Dietary Factors Influencing Bone Pain

Did you know your plate could be the secret to managing bone pain? Let's unravel this mystery.

The Role of Fat Consumption in Vitamin D Absorption

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that needs fat for optimal absorption. So, if your diet lacks enough fats, you might not get all the benefits of this 'sunshine' vitamin.

Insufficient sun exposure or sensitivity can also lead to low vitamin D levels and contribute to bone discomfort.

Insulin Resistance and Vitamin D Levels

In an unexpected twist, insulin resistance often results in low vitamin D levels. But here's the silver lining: adequate vitamin D may help improve insulin resistance. Think of it as a seesaw effect; when one goes up, the other comes down.

Besides these factors, eating fewer vegetables than required can cause low magnesium levels, leading to more bone pain because magnesium helps maintain healthy bones like calcium does.

Severe Health Conditions That Can Cause Bone Pain

When we think about bone pain, common culprits like minor injuries or arthritis might come to mind. But sometimes, the root cause lies more profound and is tied to more severe health conditions.

Bone mineral density (BMD) osteoporosis

Osteoporosis and Osteopenia as Causes of Bone Pain

Osteoporosis is a condition characterized by weakened bones that can easily fracture.

This condition often leads to chronic pain due to repeated fractures and their associated healing process. Osteopenia, a precursor state with lower than average bone density but not quite full-blown osteoporosis, can also lead to similar discomfort.

Vitamin D3 and K2 For Bone Pain

Vitamin D3 and K2 have gained recognition for their potential to alleviate bone pain and promote overall bone health. The best ratio of vitamin D3 to K2 is often considered 10:1, with vitamin D3 being ten times more abundant than K2.

This ratio is believed to optimize bone calcium absorption and prevent calcium deposition in soft tissues.

Vitamin D3 helps the body absorb calcium, while vitamin K2 ensures calcium is directed to the bones and teeth rather than accumulating in arteries or other tissues.

This collaborative action contributes to stronger bones and may alleviate bone pain associated with osteoporosis.

However, it's essential to consult a healthcare professional before supplementing with these vitamins, especially if you're experiencing severe bone pain or have underlying health concerns.


Bone pain can significantly impact daily life, whether due to vitamin deficiencies, stress, or underlying health conditions like osteoporosis.

Understanding the factors contributing to bone pain, such as low vitamin D levels, gallbladder issues, or high stress levels, is crucial for effective management.

Incorporating dietary changes, managing stress levels, and considering supplementation with vitamins D3 and K2 may help alleviate bone pain and promote overall bone health.

Remember, consulting a healthcare professional is essential for personalized guidance and treatment plans tailored to individual needs. By taking proactive steps to support bone health, individuals can improve their quality of life and reduce the impact of bone pain on daily activities.

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