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Most Common Sign of Low Stomach Acid Is...

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 04/09/2024

Ever felt that gnawing discomfort in your belly, or perhaps a fiery sensation creeping up into your chest? Many of us have had these unpleasant feelings and chalked them up to overeating or stress. Could there be a hidden cause behind these sensations?

Learn about low stomach acid, common symptoms, and what causes this phenomenon.

Understanding Low Stomach Acid

Your stomach, that powerful organ tucked away in your abdomen, is crucial to digestion. It's known for producing something quite vital: stomach acid.

What is Hypochlorhydria?

Hypochlorhydria, or low stomach acid, may not be a term you're familiar with. However, its implications on health are significant.

This condition means the production of hydrochloric acid in your stomach isn't up to par. And this can stir up some trouble.

The Role of Hydrochloric Acid

This powerhouse substance is essential in breaking down food particles and killing off unwanted microbes before they reach other parts of your digestive tract.

So, having too little can leave you open to all sorts of issues, from poor digestion to microbial overgrowth.

Age and Stomach Acid Levels

Our bodies often struggle to maintain adequate gastric juice levels as we age. This makes tending to digestive health even more important as you grow older.

Symptoms of Low Stomach Acid

When your stomach isn't producing enough acid, signs may appear. One such sign is indigestion. Studies have shown that this uncomfortable sensation could result from low stomach acid rather than too much.

Indigestion as a Key Sign

It might not be just the spicy food if you're constantly feeling full or bloated after meals and experiencing heartburn regularly.

Your body could need more hydrochloric acid to break down what you eat. Research indicates having digestive troubles is a common symptom when the pH level in your stomach drops below normal.

Other Common Symptoms

Beyond indigestion, other signals can point towards hypochlorhydria, a term for low stomach acid. Belching, nausea, and discomfort during digestion are also frequent culprits.

Such symptoms should not be ignored because they might indicate an underlying issue with our digestive system's acidity levels.

Misconceptions about Indigestion and Low Stomach Acid

A frequent misunderstanding is that too much stomach acid results from indigestion, worry, unease, and GERD. Contrarily, these conditions may be a sign of inadequate stomach acid production.

A surprising stat: nearly 50% of people over 60 have hypochlorhydria (low stomach acid). Yet many believe their discomfort stems from too much acid. This misunderstanding leads to an overuse of antacids, which only exacerbates the problem.

Adequate levels of hydrochloric acid in your gut play a crucial role in maintaining good health. It helps digest food efficiently and keeps harmful bacteria at bay.

If you're suffering from persistent indigestion or heartburn symptoms despite taking antacids regularly, it might be time to question if low stomach acid could be your issue instead.

The Consequences of Inadequate Stomach Acid

Lacking the necessary level of stomach acid can result in various medical issues. But why is this?

Digestive Complications

If your stomach isn't producing enough acid, it won't break down proteins properly. Undigested food particles could end up in your intestines, causing microbial overgrowth.

Incomplete protein digestion also means fewer amino acids for the body to use.

Mineral Absorption Issues

Your gut needs plenty of hydrochloric acid to absorb minerals like iron, calcium, and magnesium effectively. Without adequate hydrochloric acid, the body may be unable to absorb essential minerals from food intake, leading to potential health complications.

This can severely affect bone health and other functions that rely on these crucial minerals.

Treatment Considerations for Low Stomach Acid

Addressing low stomach acid, or hypochlorhydria, needs careful thought. Often, the first reaction is to reach for an antacid. But let's explore why this might not be the best approach.

The Problem with Antacids

Antacids can give quick relief from indigestion and heartburn symptoms. They work by neutralizing stomach acid, which is a good idea at first glance.

However, using antacids regularly may lower stomach acid. This makes digestion more challenging and nutrient absorption less efficient.

Rather than fixing the issue of low stomach acid, they're just putting a band-aid on it, offering temporary relief but no long-term solution.

Nutrient Requirements for Acid Production

Your body needs certain nutrients to produce enough hydrochloric acid in your gut. Key among these are vitamin B6 and zinc. A deficiency in these essential nutrients could lead to decreased production of gastric acids.

To boost the natural production of stomach acids, consider eating foods rich in these nutrients, such as chicken liver (B6) and oysters (zinc).

So before popping that antacid pill again, think twice. Is there another way you can support your digestive health?

Magnesium-rich foods

Magnesium and Low Stomach Acid

Low stomach acid can sometimes hinder the absorption of magnesium from the foods we consume. This can be a concern, especially when wondering what food is highest in magnesium.

In such cases, it's crucial to focus on dietary sources that are rich in magnesium and easy to digest. Foods like leafy greens, nuts, and seeds packed with magnesium can be soaked or sprouted to make them more digestible, ensuring better absorption even with lower stomach acid levels.

Additionally, discussing your magnesium intake and any concerns with a healthcare provider can help tailor dietary choices and supplementation if necessary, ensuring you're meeting your magnesium needs effectively, regardless of stomach acid levels.


Low stomach acid, or hypochlorhydria, is often overlooked as a cause of digestive discomfort. Symptoms such as indigestion and bloating may signal low acid levels, contrary to common belief.

While antacids provide temporary relief, they can exacerbate the issue by reducing stomach acid further. Addressing low stomach acid requires a holistic approach, including nutrient-rich foods that support natural acid production.

Understanding how low acid levels affect mineral absorption, such as magnesium, is also important for maintaining overall health.

Consulting with a healthcare provider can provide personalized guidance for effective treatment. By recognizing the symptoms and taking proactive steps to support digestive function, individuals can alleviate discomfort and promote well-being.

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