Is Your Hair Loss Coming From Your Gut

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 01/15/2024

Imagine this: You're brushing your hair, but each stroke leaves more strands in the brush than on your head. It's a heart-dropping sight, right?

Well, it was my reality.

Hair loss became an unwelcome part of my daily routine. I blamed stress and aging but missed something crucial—my gut health.

I learned that our guts do more than process food; they're vital for nutrient absorption—including biotin—a key player in hair growth. But when gut health goes awry? That could mean less biotin and potentially...more hair loss.

This unexpected discovery led me down a rabbit hole about how our digestion affects our internal wellness and things we see externally, like our luscious locks (or lack thereof).

Remain here and delve into the connection if you want to investigate further.

The Role of Biotin in Hair Health

Think about your hair like a thriving garden. Biotin is a vital vitamin that helps foster healthy hair growth and overall health and aids in protein synthesis.

Studies show that this essential vitamin is crucial in maintaining our overall health and contributes significantly to hair growth.

Biotin's Function in Protein Synthesis for Hair

You see, our hair primarily comprises protein - specifically keratin. Now imagine biotin as the unsung hero behind the scenes, helping produce this protein. Research shows it is a crucial cofactor for enzymes that facilitate protein synthesis.

This isn't all, folks. More importantly, it helps improve the body's keratin infrastructure, which you can think of as giving 'strength training' to your tresses, making them stronger and healthier than ever.

In essence, no biotin means no healthy proteins being synthesized for your locks, leading to potential problems such as brittle strands or, even worse - increased shedding.
It’s clear: don’t skimp on your daily dose of biotin if you want those luscious locks.

Gut Microbes and Biotin Production

Did you know your gut is like a biotin factory? Yes, it's true. Studies indicate that our gut microbiota is essential in forming this significant nutrient. Research shows that certain friendly bacteria produce biotin within our bodies.

Two types of beneficial bacteria, Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, are essential for biotin production in the body. They are real workaholics when it comes to producing biotin. But what happens if these hard workers get fewer?

The Impact of Antibiotics on Gut Health and Biotin Production

Sometimes, we need antibiotics to fight off nasty infections, but they can be like throwing a wrench into our delicate gut ecosystem. When used excessively or improperly, antibiotics may reduce the population of these beneficial microbes in our guts.

This drop leads to decreased biotin production - think about closing down factories individually. With less available biotin, hair health might start feeling the pinch because this essential nutrient contributes significantly towards maintaining solid locks.

Studies have found links between antibiotic use, disrupted gut flora (the fancy name for all those billions of microbes living inside us), lower levels of crucial nutrients such as biotin, and even potential hair loss issues.

Glyphosate and Its Effects on Gut Health

Often used in weed killers, glyphosate has a sneaky way of getting into our system. It's harmful to weeds and disrupts the balance of our gut microbes. The research conducted by Samsel & Seneff provides more insights about this.

The study indicates that glyphosate can harm beneficial bacteria while letting harmful ones thrive. This disruption may result in decreased biotin production - which is essential for hair health.

Besides impacting your luscious locks, an unhealthy gut might lead to other problems like bloating or indigestion. But don't worry. You can combat these issues with some changes to your diet and lifestyle.

Reducing Glyphosate Exposure: A Step Towards Better Gut Health

To limit exposure, consider using organic products as they are less likely to contain glyphosate residues than conventional ones. Recent studies support this idea, too.

Besides dietary adjustments, restoring gut flora is another step towards improved health and hair growth. Keep reading as we explore probiotics' role further down the line.

The Connection Between Hair Loss and Gut Health Imbalance

Surprisingly, your digestive system may be a critical factor in the condition of your hair. An imbalance in the gut microbiome could reduce biotin production, resulting in hair loss.

This happens because our guts are teeming with trillions of microbes that help us digest food and synthesize vitamins like biotin. But when this delicate ecosystem gets disrupted - for instance, due to poor diet or antibiotic use - it may result in lessened biotin production.

Biotin is essential for hair growth as it aids protein synthesis, vital for healthy follicles. Without enough biotin, you might start noticing more strands on your brush than usual.

Gut Microbiota: The Silent Workers

Your gut houses millions of microorganisms collectively known as microbiota. These tiny workers break down complex foods into simpler forms so they're easier for us to absorb and use effectively.

One crucial function they perform is synthesizing nutrients such as B vitamins, including biotin, critical in maintaining strong and healthy hair. So next time you comb through those luscious locks, remember who's got their back.

Probiotics and Biotin Supplements for Improved Gut Health and Hair Growth

If your hair is lacking, the solution might be in your gut. Yep, you heard it right. The state of our digestive system can significantly affect the texture and strength of our hair. Let's break down how probiotics and biotin supplements come into play.

Probiotics for Gut Health Restoration

The key to healthier hair could be as simple as restoring balance to your gut microbiome with probiotics. These beneficial bacteria aid digestion and contribute to nutrient absorption - including essential nutrients our tresses need.

Research shows that people who take probiotics often report improved hair quality. And we're not just talking about glossier locks here; we mean stronger strands, too.

Biotin Supplements for Enhanced Hair Growth

Biotin, or vitamin B7, is integral in converting food into energy within the body – a process vital for healthy hair growth.

However, popping a biotin supplement may give you more than just boosted energy levels. It could help replenish low biotin stores in the body, resulting in enhanced hair strength and volume over time.

Probiotic supplements on green background

Probiotics and Hair Loss

The relationship between probiotics and hair loss is an emerging area of interest in holistic health. While research on this connection is still in its early stages, some studies suggest that maintaining a healthy gut microbiome through probiotics may indirectly benefit hair health.

A balanced gut can support overall well-being and promote healthier hair growth. However, it's important to note that hair loss is a complex issue influenced by various factors, including genetics, hormones, and lifestyle.

Therefore, while probiotics may play a role in maintaining overall health, they are unlikely to be the sole solution for hair loss concerns.

As for whether "do probiotics need to be refrigerated" depends on the specific probiotic product and its formulation; probiotics are designed to be heat-stable and do not require refrigeration.

In contrast, others are more sensitive to temperature fluctuations and may benefit from being stored in the fridge to preserve their potency.

It's essential to follow the manufacturer's instructions and check the product label for specific storage recommendations to ensure you're getting the most out of your probiotic supplement while exploring its potential benefits for overall health, including hair health.


So, we've journeyed through the connection between hair loss and digestion. We discovered that biotin is an essential factor in keeping our hair healthy.

We discovered how gut microbes contribute to biotin production and what happens when antibiotics disrupt this process. Glyphosate's impact on gut health was also something we didn't overlook.

We investigated the link between an imbalanced gut microbiome and reduced biotin levels, leading to potential hair loss issues. But don't fret; probiotics can help restore your gut balance, while biotin supplements may boost your hair growth!

Hair Loss and Digestion: The Impact of Biotin and Gut Health is more intertwined than you'd think!

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