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How to STOP Waking Up Tired in the AM

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 12/15/2023

How to STOP Waking Up Tired in the AM

How to STOP Waking Up Tired in the AM

There's a thief in our midst. It steals the vibrancy from our days and goes by the name 'morning fatigue.' Every day is an unwelcome replay of dragging yourself out of bed. You're not alone in this battle against grogginess; we've all been there.

But imagine, for a moment, waking up refreshed with your energy tank full. This isn't just an idle dream. You hold the power to change how your mornings unfold! Curious? Good!

We'll dive deep into understanding how food choices impact morning fatigue - spoiler alert: those doughnuts aren’t helping much! We’ll explore why balancing blood sugar levels could be vital to greeting each sunrise with renewed zest.

Get ready to unravel lifestyle changes that will transform sleep quality and ultimately shake off that AM tiredness once and for all!

The Role of Diet in Morning Fatigue

Undeniably, what we consume has an enormous effect on our energy levels. If you're consistently waking up feeling tired, your diet could be the culprit.

The Impact of Carbohydrates on Energy Levels

A diet high in carbohydrates, starches, and sugars may lead to insulin resistance in the brain, resulting in fatigue. Consuming too many carbs leads to an increase in blood sugar levels.

The body then has to create more insulin to handle the high sugar levels, yet it becomes less capable of doing so with time. This is called insulin resistance, a condition linked with chronic fatigue.

You might not notice it immediately after eating a carb-heavy meal, but come morning, you'll likely wake up still feeling drained.

Switching to a Protein-Based Breakfast

Starting your day with protein instead of carbs could make a significant difference. Proteins provide slow-releasing energy that helps keep you alert throughout the day without causing spikes or crashes like those experienced from consuming sugary cereals or pastries for breakfast.

You don't need fancy recipes either; something as simple as eggs with avocado can do wonders for morning vitality. So why not give it a try? Swap out those bagels and muffins for lean meats or Greek yogurt tomorrow morning and see if there's any change.

Balancing Blood Sugar for Better Mornings

Waking up tired may be a sign of blood sugar imbalances. A balanced diet can help stabilize these levels and give you more energy in the morning.

Recognizing Symptoms of Blood Sugar Imbalances

You might have an imbalance if you're feeling dizzy or hungry right after waking up. Signs such as desiring something, being easily annoyed, and having mental confusion could be clues that your body has difficulty controlling its glucose levels.

But don't worry. Signs that your body has difficulty controlling glucose levels, like cravings, irritability, and mental confusion, are common.

Breaking the Cycle of Fatigue with Diet Changes

A simple tweak to your daily meals could provide a solution. Limiting carbs throughout the day lets your body use fat as fuel instead. Studies show this change can decrease hunger and curb those pesky cravings - making mornings much more manageable.

Remember: Consulting healthcare experts about any modifications to our diet or habits is essential, yet controlling what we consume permits us to regulate our well-being better - beginning the instant we rise.

Intermittent Fasting and Improved Sleep Quality

You might wonder, "How can skipping breakfast or late-night snacks lead to better sleep?" It's all about the connection between your eating patterns and circadian rhythms. Limiting food intake to a specific window of time each day helps regulate your internal body clock.

This strategy is known as intermittent fasting (IF). But how does IF contribute to more restful mornings? Well, studies show that our bodies are designed for periods of feast and famine. By creating an artificial 'famine' period through fasting, we help our bodies return to this natural rhythm.

Benefits of Skipping Breakfast and Late-Night Meals

Sleep researchers have discovered some interesting connections between meal timing and sleep quality. Consuming food later in the evening can interfere with melatonin production - a hormone responsible for managing sleeping and waking cycles.

In contrast, delaying breakfast until later in the morning may allow longer overnight fasts. This gives your body more time to burn fat reserves, potentially resulting in higher energy levels upon waking up.

Recent research also indicates intermittent fasting might enhance deep REM sleep phases, improving overall well-being when practiced correctly.

External Factors Contributing to Morning Fatigue

You might not realize it, but several external factors could make you feel like a groggy bear every morning. One big culprit? Electronic devices.

The Influence of Electronic Devices on Sleep Quality

Many of us have the habit of scrolling through our phones or watching TV right before bed. But did you know this can mess with your sleep quality?

Electronic devices emit electromagnetic fields (EMF) and blue light, which may contribute to brain fog and fatigue upon waking up.

Research shows, for instance, that exposure to blue light in the evening can interfere with your circadian rhythm—your body's internal clock—making it harder to fall asleep at night.

Eye Strain and Fatigue

Wearing glasses may contribute to morning fatigue due to eye strain caused by prolonged use. Glass wearers often experience eye strain after long periods of use, such as reading or computer work.

This continuous strain can lead to overall fatigue, as confirmed by various studies. To lessen these effects, consider taking regular breaks from screens if possible; who wants their Netflix binge session causing them unnecessary AM grumpiness?

Fatigue at the workplace

Enhancing Sleep Quality through Lifestyle Changes

The path to better sleep and refreshed mornings can be as simple as adjusting your lifestyle. One of the keys is regular exercise, particularly high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and outdoor physical work.

The Power of Exercise in Improving Sleep

Research has shown that regular HIIT workouts improve your sleep quality and quantity. These benefits are even more pronounced when you work outdoors, soaking up vitamin D from sunlight while burning off stress.

A study involving over 15,000 participants found that those who regularly exercised slept an average of 13% longer than their sedentary counterparts. But it's not just about duration; these individuals also reported feeling significantly refreshed upon waking.

Vitamin D Supplements and Jet Lag

Vitamin D supplements can also help improve your sleep quality by resetting your body’s internal clock – handy for frequent travelers suffering from jet lag or shift workers with irregular schedules.

A study demonstrated a noteworthy decrease in weariness among individuals who took Vitamin D supplements regularly compared to those given a placebo.

Creating a Sleep-Enhancing Environment

Your bedroom environment plays a critical role, too - keeping the room at cooler temperatures can promote deeper sleep stages where bodily restorative processes occur most efficiently.

You might want to invest in blackout curtains or consider changing out old mattresses, which could make all the difference between tossing and turning all night long versus getting eight hours of restful slumber.

An estimated 12% said they experienced improved morning alertness after implementing these changes.


So, you've journeyed with us to explore how to stop waking up tired in the morning. The role diet plays isn't just big; it's monumental.

We've dissected carbs and sugars, revealed their impact on our energy levels, and shown that a protein-based breakfast is a game-changer.

Remember those blood sugar imbalances? They're not your friends! Stabilize them by limiting carb intake for better mornings.

You also learned about intermittent fasting. It might sound counterintuitive, but skipping breakfast or late-night meals can help improve sleep quality!

The digital age has drawbacks - EMFs from electronic devices disrupt our sleep patterns. And who knew eyestrain could contribute to morning fatigue?

Lifestyle changes are essential, too! Exercise more, get some sunshine for vitamin D, and create a cozy environment conducive to good sleep.

All these minor tweaks lead towards one goal: ensuring every sunrise greets an energized you, ready to seize the day!

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