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Weight Loss Is Not Natural

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 07/30/2024

Here’s a little secret: your body isn’t on board with weight loss. It's built for survival, not slipping into those skinny jeans. Grasping why your body resists can help you push past those stubborn plateaus and finally see lasting results.

You see, our bodies are wired to hold onto fat as a backup fuel source, just in case we face a famine or a zombie apocalypse (okay, maybe not that last one).

But in our modern world of abundance, this survival mechanism can sabotage our weight loss efforts. Ready to learn how to work with your body instead of against it?

The Body's Survival Mechanism

Losing weight goes against the basic purpose of the body, which is to survive. The body holds onto fat tightly when it senses scarcity or a threat to survival.

Your body's reason for shedding pounds matters a lot. If you're stressed or starving, it might cling to fat even harder.

Fat as a Backup Fuel Source

Your body uses fat as a reserve tank once it burns through its sugar supply. Knowing this helps explain why our bodies store fat in the first place and what happens during weight loss.

Our bodies are wired for survival, and storing fat is one of the ways they keep us going in tough times.

Impact of Stress on Fat Storage

Stress can exacerbate fat retention as the body perceives it as a threat to survival. When we're under chronic stress, our bodies release cortisol, a hormone that promotes fat storage, particularly in the abdominal area.

Back in the day, our ancestors relied on their bodies' ability to store fat during scarce times. Nowadays, this same mechanism can hinder our weight loss goals.

The Role of Fat in Energy Management

If you want to understand weight loss better, think of fat as your body's backup battery. It's crucial for keeping everything working during times when you're not eating much.

Our bodies are great at managing energy, with fat being a key player in storing and using it efficiently.

Sugar vs. Fat for Energy

The body primarily relies on sugar (glucose) for immediate energy needs. However, fat acts as a backup fuel source when sugar runs out.

The body stores about 72 hours' worth of sugar in the form of glycogen before it runs out. When glycogen stores are depleted, the body turns to fat for energy, breaking it down into ketones that can fuel the brain and other organs.

Weight loss concept

Muscle Loss During Weight Loss

Understanding why the body sheds weight can be tricky, especially since cutting calories often leads to losing muscle too.

If you slash your calorie intake or try extreme diets, your body might start using muscle tissue for energy. This can mess with your metabolism and harm your overall health.

Protein Breakdown in Survival Mode

In a survival state, the body may break down protein (muscle tissue) for fuel, leading to muscle loss. This is particularly common during prolonged periods of calorie deficit or starvation.

When the body doesn't receive enough energy from external sources (food), it starts to break down its own tissues, including muscle, to meet its energy needs.

Ineffectiveness of Starvation Diets

Starving the body or overtraining it is not an effective way to lose weight sustainably. In fact, these fad diets and extreme practices can backfire, causing the body to hold onto fat more stubbornly and leading to muscle loss, which can slow down the metabolic rate.

Crash diets and extreme calorie restriction may lead to initial weight loss, but much of this is often from water weight and muscle tissue rather than body fat.

Strategies for Healthy Weight Loss

If you want to lose weight sustainably, align your approach with what your body needs and make sure you're supporting its overall well-being.

Feed your body with a mix of whole, nutrient-packed foods, stay active regularly, and keep a balanced mindset to reach your weight loss goal.

Importance of Healthy Fats

Adding more healthy fats to your diet can help you burn stored fat and boost metabolic health. Foods like fatty fish, nuts, and seeds are rich in omega-3s that regulate inflammation and support weight loss.

Eating healthy fats can make you feel full longer, which helps cut down on snack foods cravings and keeps overeating at bay.

Prioritizing Muscle Health

For lasting weight loss and better overall health, maintaining muscle mass is vital. Your body tends to use proteins for repair before it starts burning fat, so make sure you're eating enough protein-rich foods.

Pair that with regular strength exercises to keep those muscles strong as you lose weight.

Aim to include a source of high-quality protein at each meal and incorporate strength training exercises into your fitness routine to maintain a healthy weight.

Beyond Weight Loss Goals

While losing weight is often a main goal for many, it's crucial to also notice other signs of progress that boost overall health and happiness.

Think about the benefits beyond just shedding pounds. You'll find yourself with more stamina, stronger muscles, better energy levels throughout the day, and a lot less stress.

Keeping these perks in mind can really help you stay upbeat and driven as you work on losing weight.

Long-Term Weight Management

Sticking to weight loss over time means building solid eating habits and focusing on your health. This means balancing what you eat, staying active regularly, and keeping stress in check.

To keep weight off for good, make small but steady changes to your daily habits. This way, you'll work with how your body naturally functions.

Sustainable Eating Habits

Encourage proper eating patterns that include all food groups to support long-term health and weight maintenance.

Rather than drastically cutting out entire food groups or following overly restrictive diets, focus on incorporating a wide variety of nutrient-dense foods into your meals.

Aim to include plenty of vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, and healthy fats in your food choices, while minimizing processed and sugary drinks.

Consistent Physical Activity

Keeping off the weight you've lost and staying healthy means finding exercises you actually like. Don't push yourself to do workouts that make you miserable; instead, pick activities you'll look forward to doing regularly.

Mixing cardio with strength training helps your heart stay healthy, keeps your muscles strong, and speeds up your metabolic rate.

Stress Reduction Techniques

Stress management is often ignored when talking about losing weight or maintaining a healthy size long-term. Ongoing stress might lead you to overeat emotionally and cause higher cortisol levels that contribute to gaining unwanted pounds.

The Weighty Truth

In the quest for weight loss, understanding the body's mechanisms behind fat storage and utilization is crucial. While excess calories are stored as fat for future energy needs, certain dietary strategies can tip the scale in favor of fat burning.

Keto diets, rich in protein and low in carbohydrates, promote ketosis, a metabolic state where the body burns fat for fuel instead of carbohydrates. Incorporating keto tuna recipes into your diet can be particularly beneficial.

Tuna is not only a good source of protein but also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can support fat metabolism and promote satiety. By embracing these recipes, you're not just enjoying delicious meals but also harnessing the power of power of ketosis to achieve your weight loss goals.

Unlock Your True Shape

It is all about understanding that weight loss is not a one-size-fits-all journey. Instead of following generic advice, this approach emphasizes the importance of recognizing and embracing your individual body type.

By taking a body type quiz, you can gain valuable insights into your natural physique, helping you tailor your fitness and nutrition plans to suit your unique needs.

This personalized strategy not only enhances your chances of success but also promotes a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle that honors your body's natural tendencies.


Understanding the body's purpose for weight loss is a game-changer. It's not about fighting against your body's natural instincts, but rather working with them.

By focusing on nourishing your body with healthy fats, prioritizing muscle health, and looking beyond the scale, you can achieve sustainable weight loss that lasts.

Remember that your body has your back; it's designed to help you thrive. Rather than punishing it with crash diets or hours on a treadmill, nourish it with wholesome foods full of nutrients.

Engage in physical activities that bring joy rather than dread. And don't forget—patience and kindness towards yourself are crucial along this path.

Weight loss journeys are rarely simple—but armed with this knowledge—you’re way ahead of many others trying too! Don’t forget about celebrating successes off-the-scale while continuing forward step by step confidently—keep going strong as ever!

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