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Unresolved Lower Back Pain? DO THIS

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 04/05/2024

Ever felt like you're carrying the weight of the world on your back? You might feel a twinge, a dull ache, or even sharp jabs in your lower spine. These are all signs of causes and remedies for unresolved low back pain.

Learn about the common underlying root causes of back pain and the solutions for each so you can support your overall well-being.

Understanding the Link Between Kidney Stones and Low Back Pain

Kidney stones can cause pain in the back region. The pain caused by kidneys mainly occurs on one side of your lower back, causing that nagging lower back pain.

This pain sometimes comes from little hard deposits formed in your kidneys.

When kidney stones are at play, you might feel a sharp shooting pain starting from the lumbar spine - which most people call their 'lower' back - extending to sacroiliac joints.

The referred pain isn't limited there; it could even affect nerve roots leading to severe chronic discomfort.

The Role of Diet in Preventing Kidney Stones

Now let's talk diet. Your eating habits control these stone-forming villains more than you think. Overeating spinach or nuts?

Without enough lemon juice in your diet, these healthy foods might become risky for developing kidney stones because of their high oxalate content.

A proper diet plays an essential role here. Lemon juice is like nature’s secret weapon against kidney stones – its citrate content helps dissolve them into smaller particles that our body can comfortably deal with, reducing chances for spinal nerve roots getting irritated, which eventually leads us towards lesser low back pains.

Moving away from specific food items, if we look closely immune system also contributes significantly towards managing such conditions: higher levels of inflammation make us more susceptible while keeping the bloodstream clean helps mitigate risks associated with kidney stones and back pain.

What causes hormone imbalances?

Hormonal Imbalances as a Cause of Low Back Pain

Ever wondered why you're experiencing persistent lower back pain, despite all efforts to fix it? The answer could be hiding in your hormones.

Conditions like endometriosis, fibroids, ovarian cysts, and polycystic ovarian syndrome can refer to pain in the lower back due to hormonal imbalances.

Endometriosis, for instance, is an estrogen-dependent disorder that causes tissue similar to the lining inside the uterus to grow outside it. This misplaced tissue can cause intense discomfort, often as chronic lower back pain.

Intermittent Fasting for Hormonal Balance

You might ask yourself how intermittent fasting comes into play here. By controlling when we eat (and not just what we eat), our bodies get a chance at hormone regulation, including estrogen.

Research shows that consuming cruciferous vegetables helps balance these levels.

Fibroids, too, contribute significantly towards unresolved lower back agony because they exert pressure on nerves around the lumbar spine region. They thrive off excess estrogen circulating within our system.

Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs can sometimes develop on the ovaries and often result in referred pain due to their proximity to the lower back.

Again, keeping a check on your hormone levels through diet is vital.

Enlarged Prostate Gland and Low Back Pain

An enlarged prostate gland might seem unrelated to low back pain, but the connection is more direct than you'd think.

The discomfort from an enlarged prostate can manifest in various ways, including nagging lower backache.

The culprit here is your sacroiliac joints - these two little-known joints connect your spine to your pelvis.

When something's off with our health, like an inflamed or enlarged prostate gland, it's not uncommon for the pain signals to get misdirected toward these hard-working joints.

Prostate Health: More Than Meets the Eye

The prostate gland, located just below a man’s bladder, has an important job – it produces fluids that nourish and protect sperm cells.

However, as men age, this small yet significant organ may grow more prominent, leading to uncomfortable symptoms such as urinary problems and even lower back pain.

When we sit down (which most of us do for long hours every day), pressure builds up on our pelvic region, affecting both the prostate and sacroiliac joint.

This pressure buildup could result in referred pain where discomfort caused by an enlarged prostate manifests itself elsewhere, like the sacroiliac joint.

Dietary Changes For Better Prostate Health

If you've been experiencing persistent lower back pain coupled with frequent urination, especially at night, there's a good chance that an inflamed or enlarged prostate might be behind it all.

  • Dairy products, including your prostate, can lead to inflammation in the body. Consider almond milk or nutritional yeast for a cheesy flavor instead of regular milk or cheese.

  • Up your intake of cruciferous vegetables, sea kelp, and do intermittent fasting.

  • Try to eat less processed foods and sugars, it's no secret that processed food harm your health.

  • You also want to go low carb if you have PCOS. High carbs increase your insulin, which in turn increases your androgens.

Repetitive Exercises and Their Impact on Low Back Pain

Activities like golfing or cycling can be excellent for staying fit and active. However, when these activities are performed repetitively without incorporating variation, they can lead to muscle imbalances and the potential for low back pain.

Muscle imbalances can occur when specific muscle groups become overdeveloped compared to others, often due to repetitive use in similar motions.

This imbalance strains the facet joints, which are the small stabilizing joints between and behind adjacent vertebrae in the spine.

Golf enthusiasts frequently encounter this issue as their sport involves numerous twisting movements, primarily engaging one side of the body.

Similarly, cyclists may develop muscle imbalances due to prolonged periods of hunching forward during rides.

These imbalances, including tight psoas on one side, can contribute to low back discomfort and must be addressed for overall spinal health.

The Role of Foam Rolling in Muscle Balance

Foam rolling is an effective tool for alleviating these issues by restoring muscle balance.

Research suggests foam rolling helps relieve muscle tightness, soreness, and inflammation while increasing joint range motion and circulation.

Bikers might notice improved flexibility in their lower backs after regularly using a foam roller post-ride as it helps reduce stiffness caused by spinal stenosis - narrowing within spaces inside your spine leading to pressure on nerves traveling through them, causing discomfort or even severe pain at times.

This technique works wonders for professional athletes and anyone experiencing joint pains or ligament strains owing to repetitive physical activity, such as gardening or simply carrying groceries up several flights of stairs.

If you're considering incorporating this into your routine, remember that starting slow with light pressure before gradually increasing intensity will give the best results. Our bodies need time to adjust to new physical routines.

Preventing Low Back Pain

One way to prevent future backaches is by following a balanced exercise program.

Mixing up your workouts can help ensure that all muscle groups get worked equally, reducing the chance of imbalance and strain on your facet joints.

Mix strength training to boost core stability for a solid workout plan. Add flexibility exercises to ensure an overtightened muscle group does not lead to pain.


Unresolved low back pain can stem from various underlying causes, each requiring specific attention and remedies for relief.

Kidney stones, hormonal imbalances, and prostate issues are just a few examples of conditions that can manifest as lower back discomfort.

Understanding the link between these conditions and their impact on spinal health is crucial for effective management and prevention.

Dietary adjustments, intermittent fasting, and targeted exercises such as foam rolling play vital roles in addressing muscle imbalances and promoting overall well-being.

By adopting a holistic approach that addresses the root causes of low back pain, individuals can find relief and maintain spinal health for the long term.

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