
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Natural Blood Thinners To Stop Clots

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 06/25/2024

Dealing with clotting is an incredibly difficult health issue to confront, making daily life scary and difficult to cope with.

Learn about clotting and potential remedies to help thin blood.

Exploring Natural Blood Thinners and Their Benefits

There are many natural remedies that can aid the body by naturally thinning blood.

Vitamin E isn't just for glowing skin; it also helps keep things flowing smoothly through your veins. Tocotrienols, and tocopherols work together to keep blood clots at bay.

Moving onto garlic, this pungent bulb is more than just a flavor powerhouse in the kitchen—it’s packing some severe antithrombotic punches.

Omega-3 fatty acids may have the power to reduce the risk of clotting in your arteries.

The Impact of Diet on Blood Viscosity

What you eat can greatly influence the flow of your bloodstream and reduce the risk of clots.

Certain foods have been shown to play a significant role in managing blood thickness and keeping things moving smoothly.

Turmeric powder and root

Turmeric as a Dietary Anticoagulant

Let's start with turmeric. This spice isn't just for curries; it's also gaining fame for its blood-thinning prowess when added regularly to meals.

Studies suggest that turmeric can help keep the blood from getting too thick, which is crucial in preventing clot formation.

Incorporating this root into your diet could be an easy win for circulatory health—but remember, moderation is key because going overboard with any natural anticoagulant might cause more harm than good.

Remember to never add anything to your dietary routine without first consulting a medical professional.

Incorporating Apple Cider Vinegar for Circulatory Health

Apple cider vinegar contains a high acetic acid content and has made waves in wellness circles, with claims that regular consumption may promote thinner blood and support overall vascular function.

This doesn't mean chugging bottles of it, but integrating small doses into your daily routine could provide some circulatory perks. Apple cider vinegar seems promising as part of a heart-friendly diet strategy.

Fatty Acids and Their Role in Blood Thinning

Omega-3s are good fats that can help with preventing clots that can lead to severe problems.

Cod liver oil is one of these heroic fats with its knack for thinning blood. Cod liver oil genuinely boasts properties that support smoother circulation.

It’s loaded with omega-3s, which act on platelets to chill them out and reduce stickiness.

This effect could mean fewer unwanted blockages in blood vessels, making it a natural ally against the risk of heart attacks or strokes due to clots.

Pycnogenol vs. Aspirin in Blood Thinning

If you envision a head-to-head battle between natural substances and synthetic meds, consider pycnogenol—a powerhouse derived from pine bark—and aspirin.

Some studies show pycnogenol matches aspirin's ability to keep blood flowing smoothly without the stomach upset that sometimes follows aspirin use.

You'll find folks who've made this switch not only dodge those gut issues but also get a bonus round of antioxidant benefits thrown into the mix.

Coumadin's Mechanism of Action

Coumadin is like that meticulous accountant meticulously blocking vitamin K1—crucial for clotting—from doing its job, thus preventing unwanted clots.

It would be best to watch your greens intake since they're high in vitamin K1. Balance becomes key if Coumadin is part of your health regimen.

Always consult with a healthcare professional before making any changes to medication or diet when dealing with blood thinners.

The Connection Between Insulin Resistance and Blood Clotting

When you think about insulin resistance, blood sugar issues come to mind first, right? But insulin resistance can also be behind increased clot risks.

High glucose levels cause chaos, which could lead to clots.

So why should we care? Because those tiny clots have enormous consequences—they're often the culprits in strokes. Now, let's throw metformin into this mix. Studies show metformin may help dodge these risky clots, too.

The Role of Metformin in Reducing Clot Risks

If you’re wrestling with insulin resistance, metformin is likely already on your team for controlling that pesky blood sugar. But there’s more good news: evidence suggests metformin might lower thrombus formation risk.

That means it works to keep your glucose levels from soaring and fights potential blockages forming in your veins.

This one-two-punch approach by metformin makes it an option for anyone looking at natural ways to avoid health problems caused by thickened or sticky blood due to high sugar and insulin levels.

Eating in a calorie deficit

Enhancing Cardiovascular Health Through Lifestyle Choices

This high-fat, low-carb pit stop can shift your body into ketosis, where it burns fat for fuel instead of carbs.

Healthy keto diets are not just about losing weight; they're about revving up your engine for better metabolic health, which may lead to reduced stroke risks.

The intermittent fasting lane offers another route toward cardiovascular wellness. Intermittent fasting gives your digestive system periodic rest, allowing it to focus on healing

Studies have shown it to support blood health by affecting blood viscosity.

Exploring Natural Blood Thinners

Natural blood thinners play a crucial role in pursuing a healthier heart. Among these, fish oil as a blood thinner.

The omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil contribute to heart health by supporting blood flow, reducing inflammation, and potentially preventing clot formation. Incorporating fish oil into your routine may be a valuable step in maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system.


Dealing with blood clotting issues can be daunting, impacting daily life and overall well-being. However, understanding clotting mechanisms and exploring natural remedies for thinning blood can make a significant difference.

Nutrients like vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids, and compounds found in garlic, turmeric, and apple cider vinegar offer promising benefits.

Coupled with lifestyle adjustments, such as a balanced diet and possibly incorporating intermittent fasting, these strategies can support cardiovascular health.

Always consult a healthcare professional before making any changes to your health regimen, ensuring the best approach to managing blood clotting concerns.

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