
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Eighty-two Percent of COVID-19 Patients Were Deficient in Vitamin C

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 04/13/2024


There is an interesting connection between a vitamin C deficiency and COVID-19. Check this out!


0:00 COVID-19 and vitamin C deficiency

1:07 What does vitamin C do?

2:03 Which foods are high in vitamin C?

2:22 Share your success story!

I wanted to create this video to increase your awareness of the importance of vitamin C, especially in helping to prevent infections.

An interesting new study demonstrated that 82% of critically ill COVID-19 patients were vitamin C deficient. Overall, they had 4x less vitamin C than the normal group. In the study, 18% of the group had 8x less vitamin C than normal.

If you don’t have enough vitamin C, you could be predisposed to getting viral infections as well as bacterial infections. Also, if you have an infection, your body’s requirement for vitamin C goes up. This means that people that don’t have enough vitamin C are at risk for more viral infections. Once they have a viral infection, they need more vitamin C to counter it.

Vitamin C:

1. Is an antioxidant

• It also increases the body’s ability to make antioxidants

2. Supports the immune system

• It’s crucial in making more phagocytes (which eat pathogens)

• It’s necessary to make T-cells (which help kill viruses)

• It increases antibodies (which attack foreign pathogens)

• It decreases the risk of acute respiratory infection

3. Is a powerful anti-inflammatory

• It’s especially important if you have an overactive immune system that produces an excessive amount of inflammation

The top foods that contain vitamin C:

1. Peppers

2. Sauerkraut

3. Berries

4. Vegetables

5. Lemons and limes



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