Blood Sugar Levels High Despite Keto and Fasting

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 02/27/2024

You've been loyal to the keto lifestyle, cutting carbs and embracing fats with fervor. You're also no stranger to fasting, ticking off hours where no calorie crosses your lips. Yet somehow, that pesky morning blood sugar reading glares back at you – high as ever.

You might be wondering what's going on inside your body. We're diving into some surprising reasons why this happens, like insulin resistance throwing a wrench in the works, your liver deciding it’s party time, and dumping glucose while you sleep.

We'll tackle how natural supplements can lend a hand and why hitting the pavement for an early run could do more than boost your mood. By sticking around here, you'll find ways to fine-tune your internal engine for smoother sailing on blood-sugar seas.

Unraveling the Mystery of Morning High Blood Sugar

You might think that slashing carbs and fasting would keep your morning sugar levels in check, but sometimes, blood sugar throws a curveball. Let's peel back the layers on this glucose game.

The Role of Insulin Resistance

High morning blood sugar can be a stubborn visitor even if you're diligent about your keto diet and intermittent fasting schedule. This paradox is often due to severe insulin resistance.

It’s like having an unresponsive lock when insulin is knocking at the door, trying to shuffle glucose into cells for energy; instead, it piles up in your bloodstream, causing those numbers to spike.

A study highlights how folks sticking strictly to their low-carb plans still wake up with surprising glucose readings because their body's response mechanism isn't cooperating as expected.

It turns out that reducing carb intake doesn’t always lead directly to lower sugar levels – especially if you've got persistent insulin resistance complicating matters.

We need more than dietary control to manage these unexpected spikes better; understanding and tackling insulin resistance takes center stage here.

Keto breakfast

The Insulin Resistance Conundrum on Keto and Fasting

You're nailing the keto diet, counting every carb, fasting like a champ—and yet your blood sugar levels are playing hard to get. They won't budge from that high shelf. Why? The culprit is often insulin resistance, a metabolic snag where cells shrug off insulin's knock at the door.

Insufficient Insulin Production

Sometimes, it's not about the cold shoulder; there isn't enough insulin. When your pancreas' beta cells are more out of shape than an old pair of sweatpants, they can’t keep up with the demand for insulin.

This shortage means that even though you're cutting carbs sharper than a chef’s knife slices tomatoes, your body can’t correctly use the little glucose you have floating around.

To give those beta cells some backup, berberine has entered the chat, showing promise as strong as metformin when regulating blood sugar spikes without crashing someone else's cellular party.

Stubborn Insulin Receptors

If we switch gears and look at stubborn insulin receptors—imagine them as finicky locks on cell doors—it doesn't matter how many keys (insulin) you've got if none fit quite right.

And here’s a stat that might make you sit up: Chowing down less than 10 grams of carbs daily but still seeing high numbers could mean these locks need serious greasing due to severe insulin resistance.

Supporting Pancreatic Health for Better Blood Sugar Control

Better blood sugar control starts with a healthy pancreas, specifically its beta cells. These tiny powerhouses release insulin to help keep your glucose levels in check. So when they're happy, you're more likely to enjoy balanced blood sugar.

Berberine's Blood Sugar Balancing Act

Suppose your morning routine is like dodging sugar-coated bullets, and you still see high numbers on the glucometer despite a faithful keto lifestyle and fasting schedule. In that case, berberine might be the sidekick you need.

This potent compound has been shown to work wonders for those stubborn glucose readings that don't seem to budge—acting much like metformin but without needing a prescription pad.

Regarding pancreatic support heroes, boosting beta cell function can be as important as cutting carbs to keep sugars low.

Berberine stands tall among natural supplements; it takes care of business by regulating blood sugar levels and supports those crucial cells in your pancreas responsible for producing insulin.

Remember, though, while berberine may hold the key to better mornings free from unexpected glucose spikes, it's just one piece of the puzzle.

A holistic approach, including diet modifications and regular exercise, should always be part of your game plan against high blood sugar levels.

Natural Supplements to Combat High Blood Sugar

Struggling with high blood sugar can feel like a never-ending battle, especially when you're doing everything 'by the book' on keto and intermittent fasting. Sometimes, your body needs a little backup from nature's pharmacy.

Beef Pancreas Extract for Pancreatic Support

The pancreas doesn't always get the spotlight it deserves in our body's sugar drama. Beef pancreas extract steps onto this stage by providing essential nutrients that may help nourish your pancreatic health.

Ancestral supplements have made this old-school remedy new again, offering hope for those dealing with autoimmune conditions affecting the pancreas.

But don't just take my word for it; consider how these extracts are packed with natural enzymes and nutrients directly supporting pancreatic function—think of it as giving your pancreas a helping hand so it can keep up its end of the bargain in managing blood sugars.

Milk thistle flowers

Milk Thistle's Role in Improving Insulin Sensitivity

Moving over to another unsung hero: milk thistle. This prickly protector targets liver cells where insulin resistance often sets up camp.

By aiding liver cell repair and protection, milk thistle might be able to nudge insulin sensitivity back into balance—a game-changer if you've been struggling despite cutting carbs and fasting.

Finding that sweet spot where your morning glucose levels behave isn't always straightforward, but introducing some plant-based allies could turn things around without adding more pills from big pharma into the mix.

Exercise as a Tool for Stabilizing Blood Sugar Levels

If you're struggling with high blood sugar in the morning, even after following a keto and fasting regimen diligently, it's time to focus on incorporating exercise into your routine.

Studies suggest that engaging in physical activity, especially in the morning, can help burn through excess sugar more efficiently.

So, why is exercise so effective? When we exercise in the morning on an empty stomach, also known as fasted cardio, we directly tap into our sugar reserves.

This means that any lingering excess glucose, which can cause blood sugar spikes, gets utilized for energy before it can affect our blood sugar levels.

This is not just a theory; research strongly supports this claim. According to one study, regular physical activity helps burn extra sugar but also helps stabilize blood sugar levels throughout the day.

This finding is particularly relevant if high blood sugar levels characterize your mornings despite following a strict diet.

Balancing Blood Sugar on Keto and Fasting

In the pursuit of managing high blood sugar levels despite adhering to keto and fasting protocols, it's crucial to understand the role of supplements like krill oil.

While there's no one-size-fits-all dosage, typical recommendations suggest around 1-3 grams of krill oil daily for general health maintenance. However, individual needs may vary based on health status, diet, and lifestyle.

Consulting with a healthcare provider can provide personalized guidance on how much krill oil per day is appropriate for optimal blood sugar management.


So, you've done the legwork. You've slashed carbs and fasted like a champ. But high blood sugar levels, despite keto and fasting, are still crashing your party.

Remember this: insulin resistance can be stubborn, your pancreas might need support, and those morning jogs? They're gold for burning off that extra glucose.

Think about it. Supplements like berberine or beef pancreas extract could turn the tide in your favor. And don't forget milk thistle; it's got your back on improving insulin sensitivity.

To wrap up, managing blood sugar is more than diet deep. It’s about giving every cell in your body a fight against that sweet onslaught each morning.

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