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Why I Eat Cheese Every Day

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 03/13/2024

Why I Eat Cheese Every Day

Have you ever felt the sharp pang of confusion when someone mentions The Nutritional Powerhouse of Goats and Sheep's Cheese? Yeah, me too—until recently. The world seems to orbit around cow milk products like they're the only stars in the dairy galaxy.

But here’s a twist: goat and sheep cheese are sidling up as serious contenders. Why? For starters, imagine cheese that dances on your taste buds while secretly bolstering your health with vitamins A, E, folic acid...the list goes on.

And there's good news for those tiptoeing around lactose like it's hot lava. These cheeses whisper rather than shout in lactose content.

But let’s not stop there. An energy boost without the crash? Check—it’s all thanks to MCT fats, which make these cheeses almost akin to rocket fuel (for your body). Plus, if you’re about keeping things smooth in digestion land, smaller fat globules have your back.

Oh, and before I forget—their role in potentially enhancing our project outcomes can't be overstated. They bring a lot to the table that we should consider.

The Nutritional Powerhouse of Goat's and Sheep's Cheese

Ever wondered why goat's and sheep's cheese tastes so darn good? Interestingly, the delightful flavors of goat's and sheep's cheese aren't merely a pleasure to our palates but also a banquet for our well-being.

Packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and some pretty unique fats, they're the superheroes of the dairy world. Let’s dive in.

High in Essential Vitamins and Minerals

Goats and sheep cheese aren't just delicious; they're nutritional powerhouses. They're loaded with vitamin A for good vision, vitamin E for healthy skin, folic acid to keep you sharp as a tack, and B vitamins to boost energy levels like nobody’s business—oh.

And let’s not forget calcium to ensure those bones stay as strong as steel. Packed with various nutrients, it's as if they've thought of everything.

Rich in CLA and MCT Fats

You might be thinking – wait up. Fats? Aren’t we supposed to avoid them? But here comes the twist: Not all fats are created equal.

Goat's cheese and sheep cheese pack CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) is like that friend who always has your back by helping burn fat while preserving muscle mass—a faithful buddy indeed.

And there’s more - about 20% to 30% of their fat content is made up of MCTs (medium-chain triglycerides).

Unlike other fats that take a scenic route through our body before being used as energy or stored away as unwanted baggage (I’m looking at you, long-chain fatty acids),

MCTs get straight to business, providing quick fuel without stressing our digestion system.

Lactose Intolerance-Friendly Options

Ever had to say no to a delicious slice of cheese because your stomach can't handle it? You're not alone. For those who adore cheese but battle lactose intolerance, hope is on the horizon. Goat's and sheep's cheese might just be your new best friends.

High in Essential Vitamins and Minerals

Not only do goat’s and sheep’s cheeses offer a world where flavor meets digestibility, but they’re also packed with goodies. We’re talking vitamins A, E, folic acid, B vitamins, calcium - you name it.

These delightful morsels aren't merely delicious; they're tiny powerhouses with health benefits.

Rich in CLA and MCT Fats

Beyond their vitamin content, these cheeses are rich in conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). These fats don’t just sound fancy; they work wonders for your body by boosting metabolism and promoting fat loss.

Plus, about 20 to 30% of sheep and goat cheese fat is composed of MCT fats, making them an excellent choice for quick energy that doesn't stress out your digestive system.

The real kicker? Both goat’s cheese and sheep’s cheese contain only 0.5% lactose. Yes, you read that right. This low level makes these dairy delights much easier on the stomach than traditional cow's milk products, which typically hover around 4-5% lactose content.

This revelation isn't just good news; it revolutionizes the dairy game for those sidelined by intolerance, offering a new lease on their cheese-loving lives.

The smaller fat globules found in both types further aid digestion—meaning less bloating or discomfort post-cheese indulgence.

The Role of Good Bacteria in Cheese Production

Beneficial bacteria are also to thank for this easy-to-digest goodness.

The lactic acid produced by these helpful microbes breaks down more complex molecules during fermentation, giving us one more reason why these cheeses can sit comfortably even with sensitive tummies.

In summary, if regular dairy leaves you running away faster than Usain Bolt at the Olympics, goats or sheep could turn things around without having to give up cheesy bliss altogether.

Quick Energy Sources from Cheese

Have you ever been hit by that sluggish feeling in the middle of your day? Yeah, we all have. But here's a fun fact: cheese, specifically goat's and sheep's cheese, could be your new go-to for an energy boost.

And nope, it’s not just any fat giving you this perk-up—it’s the MCT fats.

Variety of sheep milk cheese

High in Essential Vitamins and Minerals

We're talking about cheeses that are more than just tasty—they’re packed with good stuff.

Goat's cheese and sheep cheese delight your taste buds; they also provide vitamins A, E, folic acid, certain B vitamins like B12 (hello energy), calcium (for those strong bones), and CLA—a fatty acid known for its health benefits.

MCT Fats: Your Quick Energy Source

Their MCT fat content makes these cheeses real MVPs in the snack world. At 20 to 30% of their total fat makeup, MCT fats are famous for providing quick bursts of energy without stressing out your digestive system.

So next time you need a pick-me-up but want to skip the jitters coffee gives you, reach for some goat or sheep cheese.

Lactose Intolerance-Friendly Options

Fear not if dairy usually sends you running. These cheeses come with a bonus feature—they're low in lactose.

In essence? When hunger hits or when that afternoon lull creeps up on you—a slice of goat or sheep cheese might just be what your body needs to bounce back into action swiftly.

It’s delicious nutrition minus any sluggish aftermath—and really now, who wouldn’t love that?

The Role of Good Bacteria in Cheese Production

Let's talk about the unsung heroes behind your favorite goat's and sheep's cheese: good bacteria. Yeah, you heard that right. Microscopic life forms are pivotal in morphing milk into the beloved, zesty dairy delights we can't get enough of.

High in Essential Vitamins and Minerals

Dive deeper into this cheesy world, and you'll find it's not just about taste. Goat's cheese and sheep cheese are packed with vitamins A, E, folic acid, certain B vitamins, calcium...and that’s just scratching the surface.

Rich in CLA and MCT Fats

But here’s where it gets exciting. The magic of these cheeses doesn't end with their vitamin content.

They're also rich sources of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) fats, thanks to those good bacteria working hard in goat's and sheep's guts.

Recent studies have shown that around 20 to 30% of the fat content in sheep and goat cheese comes from MCT fats - a type partially produced by these beneficial microbes.

This isn’t trivial stuff either; MCT oils are known for being easier on our digestive systems than long-chain fatty acids typically found in other dairy products like cow milk or some plant-based oils.

In essence, that delicious slice of goat or sheep cheese gives you more than just flavor—it provides energy without stressing out your stomach because good bacteria did its job well during production.

The story's moral: Next time you enjoy a piece of fine goat or sheep’s cheese, remember that an army—albeit microscopic—was behind its creation, contributing to its irresistible taste and health benefits.

The Impact of High-Quality Cheese on Health

Ever wonder why cheese from the Swiss Alps tastes so divine? It's not just about the taste. Perhaps the magic behind that heavenly flavor is something known as polyphenols, which do far more than merely play with your palate.

Woman before and after weight loss

Polyphenols for Weight Loss

Let's get into it. Polyphenols in high-quality goat's and sheep's cheese are like undercover agents for weight loss. By initiating mitochondrial uncoupling, they essentially turbocharge our cells to burn energy at an accelerated rate.

This sounds fancy, but what it means is pretty straightforward – your body burns through energy faster. Studies show that these sneaky compounds can crank up your metabolism without you having to lift a finger.

You heard that right. Indulging in some top-notch cheese could give your body a little metabolic boost.

Stimulating Mitochondrial Biogenesis

But wait, there’s more. These polyphenols aren't satisfied with speeding things up; they want to create new engines.

That’s where stimulating mitochondrial biogenesis comes into play - essentially building new mitochondria from scratch inside our cells.

This isn’t small potatoes we’re talking about here. More mitochondria mean better muscle function, improved brain health, and yes—more efficient fat burning too.

Studies indicate that the generation of fresh mitochondria plays a crucial role in preserving optimal health throughout our later years.

  • Cheese from places like the Swiss Alps has higher levels of these power-packed polyphenols.

  • Digging into such cheeses offers benefits beyond great flavor—it supports weight management and boosts cellular health.

  • Luxury meets longevity with every bite.

In sum: Next time you savor a slice of premium goat or sheep cheese, remember that you're not just treating yourself to deliciousness but nourishing your body at a cellular level, too.

Beyond Cheese - Other Ways to Stimulate Mitochondrial Uncoupling

So, you've got a taste for the benefits of goat's and sheep's cheese. But what if I told you there are more ways to kickstart that mitochondrial magic? Yes, beyond the creamy delight of cheeses.

Exercise Your Way to Energy

Lacing up those sneakers does more than burn calories. It cranks up your mitochondria like nothing else. Think about it as turning on a power plant inside your cells. The best part? You don't need to be an Olympian.

A brisk walk or a quick jog can do wonders.

Cold Therapy: Chill Out for Health

Have you ever thought taking a cold shower could boost your cell power? Well, it can. Cold therapy isn't just for daredevils; it’s science-backed stuff here.

Dipping into the chill, you're nudging your body's powerhouses to kickstart, propelling them into heightened activity.

The Fast Track with Fasting

Fasting is not merely skipping meals because you woke up late or forgot lunch at home; it's strategic dietary planning that gives your digestive system—and by extension, mitochondria—a much-needed breather.

This interlude permits a shift towards optimization, sidestepping the constant influx of nourishment.

Eat Right: Phytonutrient-Rich Foods

  • Sulforaphane found in broccoli makes not only trees out of little kids but also turns their cells into energy factories.

  • Turmeric – this golden spice doesn’t just add color and flavor but brings potent bioactive compounds that speak directly to our cellular dynamos.

  • Last but never least—green tea is packed with antioxidants, offering both soothing sips and stimulating cell activity.

All these methods share one common goal: getting those tiny organelles in our cells—the mitochondria—to work harder and smarter for us.

Whether through physical activities like exercise and cold exposure or dietary means such as fasting and phytonutrient-rich foods—it all boils down (or should we say 'fires up'?) to boosting mitochondrial uncoupling safely.

And let me tell ya', exploring these avenues might just make goats’ & sheep’s cheese feel less lonely at the top spot of health hacks.


So, there you have it. The once-overshadowed stars of the dairy galaxy, goat's and sheep's cheese, are not just about tickling your taste buds with their rich flavors but also pack a hefty nutritional punch that could revolutionize your health game.

We've danced through the realms of essential vitamins and minerals these cheeses generously offer and tiptoed around lactose with ease thanks to their friendly composition.

MCT fats? Yeah, they're basically giving us energy boosts without any crash landing—rocket fuel for our bodies, indeed.

And let’s not forget those smaller fat globules ensuring everything in digestion land runs smoother than a jazz solo.

Exploring the realms of goat and sheep cheese isn't merely about indulging in a new culinary experience; it's an adventure to enhance our well-being beyond what we previously envisioned.

They're here to serve up benefits by the plateful, asking nothing more than for us to give them a chance on our next grocery run.

We didn’t just scratch the surface today; we went complete gourmet detective on what makes these cheeses stand out from their cow milk counterparts—and boy, did they deliver!

From quick energy sources to being kinder to those with lactose intolerance and even offering potential boosts in weight management strategies...

It’s clear: when it comes down to choosing allies for our journey towards better health outcomes or simply spicing up that cheese platter at your next dinner party—the choice is as delightful as it is nutritious.

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