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What Is Parkinsons Disease

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 08/31/2023

What Is Parkinson's Disease?

Dr. Eric Berg

What is Parkinson's Disease? What do you do about it?

Parkinson's Disease?

Parkinson's Disease is a chronic degeneration of the central nervous system. It involves a part of the brain called the substantia nigra. This part of the brain controls a neurotransmitter called dopamine. A neurotransmitter is a hormone-like communication that doesn't travel through the blood; it travels through the nerves. Dopamine is diminished with Parkinson's.


Symptoms and Treatment of Parkinson's Disease

If you look carefully in the medical literature, you'll find some links between Parkinson's and pesticide exposure.

You'll also find a high incidence of head trauma and Parkinson's but there are some other things that are very interesting-there's usually this abnormal protein in the brain called alpha-synuclein. This abnormal protein accumulates in the brain and interferes with dopamine.

It's very similar to Alzheimer's where you have amyloid plaques in the brain that accumulate.

Dopamine controls the starting and stopping of movement. So if I were to start the motion going and then stop it, those actions would be controlled by dopamine. In Parkinson's, the patient doesn't have the control over the motion and movements they do. They can't start things and can't stop the movement.



What to Do for Parkinson's Disease

The question is what you can do for this condition. Well, if I had this condition, this is what I would do.


Step 1. Take Serrapeptase.

There's an enzyme, a very powerful protein enzyme - the most powerful proteolytic enzyme out there called serrapeptase.

It was originally found in the intestines of the silkworm but now, they're able to ferment it and make it. You can find it on Amazon or anywhere but find one that is of high quality; at least 250 000 IU, which is about 450 mg. This must be taken on an empty stomach.

This will digest your food if it's taken at meal times, instead of digesting the protein plaquing in the brain.

It's interesting because this is a systemic enzyme, which means that after the digestive system, it goes into the blood and then travels through the system and dissolves scarring, clogged arteries, protein in places where it shouldn't be - and it doesn't harm your other proteins, the normal proteins.

I would recommend taking two capsules on an empty stomach three times a day. I think you will see some good changes with it.


Step 2. Ketogenic Eating Plan

And as far as eating goes, the person needs more of a ketogenic eating plan. This type of plan will feed the brain ketones, which will improve circulation, and decrease degeneration. If you take a look at a brain that is suffering from Fat Storing Hormone resistance or a diabetic, they don't have a lot of oxygen. They have a lot of inflammation. They have a lot of degeneration in the brain. So this diet would be one more thing I would add to this enzyme protocol.

Understand the Parkinson's Disease and see more Body Conditions from Dr. Berg Video Blog.

Thanks for watching!

Dr. Eric Berg

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