Why Apple Cider Vinegar Detox Works For Losing Weight - MUST WATCH!

There are many types of detox for weight loss you can try today, but apple cider vinegar detox has great potential in helping with fat loss.
In this article:
Why Apple Cider Vinegar Detox Is Good for Weight Loss
Apple Cider Vinegar Has Acetic Acid
There is a myth that apple cider vinegar has a lot of nutrients. The truth is it doesn’t have much vitamin A, C, or minerals. Apple cider vinegar does have acetic acid, which is its key ingredient. In fact, the reason why vinegar works for so many conditions is due to this one acid: acetic acid.
The Indicator of the Body’s pH
I know this is against what most of you have heard. You've probably been told most people are too acidic. Many of my clients who come to my office are too alkaline and not too acidic.
The first thing to understand is every part of your body has different pH levels. So when a person says you are too acidic, you should ask, “What pH are you talking about – is it urine or saliva?” The real true indicator of pH for the body is in the blood, but this is very difficult to test. As soon as you take the blood out of the body, it oxidizes and the pH can change right away(1).
You have to go by the symptoms to determine the pH. Most people who are stressed and have the adrenal body type have a blood pH that is excessively alkaline(2). To gain a deeper understanding of your body type and its potential impact on your health, consider taking a test for a body type that can provide valuable insights into your stress levels and overall well-being.
Yes, it’s true; your blood should be slightly alkaline. But, when the blood is overly alkaline, you can use organic apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar detox works so well because it corrects your pH.
When mixed with intermittent fasting apple cider vinegar has tremendous benefits and the good news is apple cider vinegar does not break a fast.
Managing Body pH Creates Significant Effects
If you can change your pH even slightly, it has huge effects, such as:
1. The pH is so important in transporting minerals and allowing enzymes to work to stimulate the thyroid and increase metabolism.
2. The pH of acetic acid is very acidic - it’s 2.5, which is almost the same as stomach acid. Apple cider vinegar is good for the stomach or digestive tract, and some people take it for heartburn(3).
Heartburn, acid reflux, and indigestion are conditions where your stomach is too alkaline, and the stomach valve on top does not close. I know people say, “Heartburn is too much acid.” No, that is not true. In fact, if you have acid reflux or heartburn, just take some apple cider vinegar and see how better you feel.
You will feel wonderful because the stomach valve starts closing if the stomach acid is strong. But as you age, in the 50s, 60s, and 70s, your pH in your stomach goes higher and higher – meaning it becomes more alkaline. You need more acid as you age to be able to aid protein digestion and absorb minerals like calcium, magnesium, and iron.
3. Calcium may also start building up in the soft tissues, so your body goes through soft tissue calcification. You may notice when people get older they become stiff, and they begin to suffer from the following:
Calcium buildup in the eyes, which is called a cataract
Neuritis on the nerves
Kidney stones
Tartar on the teeth
All of these can come from a pH problem or alkalosis(4). Another thing I do is make sure a patient is taking fat-soluble vitamins to help transport that calcium out like vitamin D and K2.
RELATED: How Sugar And Stress Alter Your pH Acid Alkaline Levels
What Causes This Alkaline State
High cortisol or a high stress level causes alkalosis. It makes your body too alkaline (Ciba Collection Volume 4, Endocrine System by Frank H. Netter).
The worst thing you can do is to start consuming or drinking alkaline water. It’s okay to drink water with alkaline in it. Just don’t go over drinking 8 or 9 glasses because this makes your body worse, and you won’t be able to absorb calcium and other minerals.
With your adrenal, as you become too stressed over time and too alkaline, you start to lose this little thing called H+. H+ is an acid. In other words, the adrenal causes you to lose acid through the urine, and it becomes too alkaline(5). So, here are all the effects stress can create in your body:
An alkaline body
Lack of absorption of calcium
Eye twitching under the left eyelid when stressed because of the change in pH
Cramping in the calves
Nerve pain or neuritis
Loss of acid
Loss of potassium
High blood pressure
Feeling of weakness or fatigue
Irregular heartbeat
Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits
When you hear stories of apple cider vinegar’s ability to manage all these symptoms, it is because of the beneficial acid and potassium retention. People who consume a lot of protein drinks or eat too much protein have a waste chemical from the protein called guanidine. This is extremely alkaline.
If you are doing the ketosis diet where you are eating more protein in your total daily calories, you may feel stiff or more arthritic. Do an apple cider vinegar detox. It flushes the protein waste and toxins out.
Apple cider vinegar is the anecdote of the residue from high protein – it’s a good and effective cleanser. The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar helps:
Absorb minerals
Mobilize calcium
Digest protein better without the waste
Boost the immune system
You’ve heard of people taking vitamin C for colds or a virus infection. Most vitamins and minerals are fake and are made of cornstarch and ascorbic acid. The reason why synthetic vitamin C works is because of the acid, not the synthetic vitamin. You are better off drinking apple cider vinegar with the acetic acid to help with your immune system.
The Cranberry Drink Recipe
If you want to use apple cider vinegar to lose weight, this is my own concoction I drink pretty often. If you drink this before you eat, it helps you lose weight and belly fat. This nutritious drink stimulates the thyroid and acidifies the stomach. I recommend you don’t use the natural cranberry if you already have a slow metabolism; instead, just add the apple cider vinegar and lemon.
2 tsp apple cider vinegar
1 tsp lemon juice
1 tsp cranberry juice
Glass of water
A little amount of fresh ginger (optional)
Simply add 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water.
Add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.
Add 1 teaspoon of cranberry juice. (Make sure it is all cranberry and does not have other juices in it such as apple.)
You can also put in a little ginger.
If you can’t stand the taste, chances are, you don’t need it. If you really need it, you will crave it.
An apple cider vinegar detox can be a great and healthy tool to help you lose weight effectively(6). Aside from its weight loss abilities, apple cider vinegar also provides other health benefits for your overall health and wellness(7). So, try my cranberry drink now or make your own apple cider vinegar weight loss drink to start eliminating excess weight.
(1) https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/blood-ph
(2) https://labtestsonline.org/conditions/acidosis-and-alkalosis
(3) https://repository.asu.edu/attachments/166181/content/Yeh_asu_0010N_15671.pdf
(5) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1434011
(6) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19469536
(6) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29091513
(6) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27209492
(7) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17485860
(7) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26176799
(7) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16630552
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Disclaimer: Our educational content is not meant or intended for medical advice or treatment.
Learn the benefits of apple cider vinegar and Nutrition advice from Dr. Berg Video Blog.
Editor’s Note: This post has been updated for quality and relevancy.
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