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The Benefits of Ginkgo Biloba

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 08/31/2023

Have you ever heard of ginkgo biloba and wondered what it is useful for? An ancient tree species, ginkgo has long been used in traditional medicine. Today, it is still a common home remedy for many disorders and symptoms. So what are the benefits of ginkgo biloba? Why is it good for the body, and how might it be able to help you?

In this article, I'll share with you what this herb is and how it can help with things like dementia and inflammation. I'll also share how it works in the body and how to use it.

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What is ginkgo biloba?

Ginkgo biloba is a tree that grows in China, Japan, and Korea. It has been found in fossils dating back 270 million years. That makes it one of the oldest living trees in the world. Ginkgo is often considered a "living fossil" that has survived major extinction events over the years.

When you buy ginkgo biloba products, you are buying the leaf of the tree. These fan-shaped leaves are very unique and make it easy to identify the ginkgo tree.

The ginkgo leaves are what are used medicinally. Gingko biloba leaves are used in herbal dietary supplements that have a wide range of uses and possible health benefits.

So what kinds of conditions and symptoms do people find that ginkgo biloba helps?

Woman’s hands holding ginkgo biloba leaf, close up teal background.


The health benefits of ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo is an herbal supplement that has been used for a very long time to treat a wide range of common health concerns. Everything from your cognitive health to your vision can be impacted by ginkgo.

Ginkgo biloba supplements may be helpful for disorders like:

  • Memory problems (like dementia or other cognitive impairments).
  • Circulation issues.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Arthritis.
  • Inflammation.
  • Anxiety.
  • Libido.
  • Tinnitus.
  • Vision problems.
  • Infections.

So what does ginkgo actually do in the body? Why is it such a popular herbal remedy?

Human head profile surrounded by ginkgo leaves, herbal health benefits healing remedy.


Why is it good for you?

Ginkgo biloba is full of phytonutrients. This means that it contains many compounds that have health-promoting effects in the body.

Ginkgo biloba is:

  • antioxidant,
  • antimicrobial,
  • and anti-inflammatory.

All of these qualities are good for you to help boost your health and avoid disease.

But ginkgo is about more than just those health benefits. One major factor making ginkgo so helpful is its ability to increase nitric oxide.

Why is nitric oxide important?

As mentioned above, ginkgo biloba helps increase nitric oxide in the body.

And nitric oxide is a vasodilator. In basic terms, this means that it relaxes the smooth muscles in your arteries. This allows it to dilate your blood vessels. As a result, you increase blood flow, circulation, and oxygen levels. So you end up with more oxygen in the parts of your body that need it.

For example, it can help get more oxygen to your brain to improve memory and help dementia. It can bring more blood to your legs to help circulation. And it can help support disorders like high blood pressure that are related to low blood flow.

Increasing nitric oxide is one of ginkgo's best benefits. It can support a wide range of health problems.

As a side note, nitric oxide comes from nitrates. Vegetables are a natural source of nitrates. So when you eat more veggies, you'll also help boost nitric oxide.

Ginkgo leaves on ginkgo extract next to medicine bottle on wooden background.


Results vary and can depend on your diet

If you look at the studies on ginkgo biloba for improving some of the symptoms and disorders listed above, you'll likely find mixed results.

But here is the thing to remember. There are so many other factors that come into play. And that can make it hard to understand the role ginkgo is playing in the studies.

For example, if you are eating a crappy diet and then try to use ginkgo biloba to improve your circulation or boost your memory... it likely won't work well and won't help you. Your unhealthy diet will get in the way and prevent any positive results from occurring.

But if you are eating well and giving your body the nutrition it needs... then you might just get some positive benefit out of a ginkgo supplement.

You can't rely on an herb alone to fix all of your symptoms or disorders. Things like ginkgo biloba can only help support you if you are already living a healthy lifestyle and eating a good diet.

If you want to learn more about a healthy way of eating, go here. In the video, I explain all about the basics of Healthy KetoTM. A diet full of veggies and free of carbs, it is a great option for getting your health in better shape.


Using ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo is usually found in supplement form. You can find capsules or tinctures of ginkgo leaf extract. Follow the recommended dose. And always consult with your doctor before taking any herbs.

Do not ever ingest parts of the ginkgo plant directly, as these can contain toxic levels of chemicals.

Side effects can include upset stomach, headache, dizziness, constipation, and more. Make sure to start slowly. Taking too much too quickly can cause worsened side effects like digestive upset.

And as I said earlier, don't rely on ginkgo biloba to solve all of your problems. If you aren't living a healthy lifestyle, it likely won't help you. So clean up your diet, practice healthy habits, and then give ginkgo a chance.

Ginkgo leaves next to a small brown medicine bottle with white lid on wooden table.


The bottom line

Having been on this planet for 270 million years, ginkgo is a living fossil. And more than just an ancient tree, it is also a source of many phytonutrients.

Ginkgo can help support the body in many ways. From its cognitive effects to its ability to decrease inflammation, it can do a lot. Some of the things ginkgo is often used for include dementia, circulation, vision, and more.

Ginkgo biloba may be able to help support these concerns because of its many healthy qualities. These include:

  • Having antioxidant effects. Ginkgo is an antioxidant that can help reduce damage in the body. That is great for things like dementia, cognitive function, and more.
  • Fighting inflammation. Inflammation is at the root cause of so many health problems. And lowering inflammation is key to getting truly healthy.
  • Being antimicrobial. Protecting ourselves from infections is another great benefit of ginkgo biloba.
  • Increasing nitric oxide levels. By increasing nitric oxide, ginkgo helps to improve circulation and blood flow in the body. This allows oxygen to get to where it needs to go. If you have something like dementia and need more oxygen in your body, ginkgo may be able to help.

With the help of your doctor, you may choose to try ginkgo biloba. Look for a high quality ginkgo supplement to add to your daily routine. Watch out for side effects and increase your dose slowly.

And as always, remember that supplements don't solve the root of the problem. So don't rely on ginkgo to fix everything. It isn't a long-term solution. You'll first need to take control of your diet and lifestyle to get healthy. That should always be the first step in dealing with health concerns. Only then can herbs like ginkgo help support you. Otherwise, they'll likely have no effect.

So clean up your diet. Consider something like Healthy KetoTM to get started. It is a great option for getting yourself back to better health.

Have you ever tried ginkgo? Did it help you? Share your thoughts on ginkgo in the comments below.

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Disclaimer: Our educational content is not meant or intended for medical advice or treatment.

Editor’s Note: This post has been updated for quality and relevancy.

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