Muscle Cramps, Spasms, and Charley Horses

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 04/10/2024

Experiencing a charley horse can be very uncomfortable for people, especially when in the middle of strenuous physical activity.

Learn more about what causes charley horse cramps and what you can do to avoid them.

The Role of Medication in Muscle Cramps

Ever wondered why you wake up with an unexpected cramp? Interestingly, the cause of these cramps is often medication, especially those for high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

The Connection Between Medication and Night Cramps

Certain medications might be to blame if night-time muscle cramps have become common for you. High blood pressure pills, cholesterol-lowering drugs, or prednisone can cause increased cramping.

Studies show that these medicines are often associated with nocturnal leg cramps. Why? Because they affect electrolyte balance and nerve signals, which control muscle contraction and relaxation.

Food with calcium. A variety of foods rich in calcium.

Calcium Overload and Muscle Cramps

Muscle cramps may become more common when you take too much calcium, mainly from dietary supplements.

Calcium Sources and Their Impact on Muscle Health

Natural sources of calcium like dairy or leafy greens give our bodies what they need without overloading the system. This isn't always the case with calcium supplements, especially those made with calcium carbonate.

The body struggles to digest these synthetic forms, leading to excess calcium in your bloodstream, which could trigger muscle cramps. Now that's a pain.

If digestive issues are also part of your daily life, more complications arise as absorption becomes harder, making cramps more common. Remember, moderation is essential when it comes to supplementing any nutrient.

Magnesium Deficiency and Its Impact on Muscles

A lot of us have encountered the agony brought about by muscle fits. Did you know that inadequate magnesium levels, sometimes called the "calming mineral," can be a source of these uncomfortable contractions? Magnesium deficiency is a common cause of muscle cramps.

Dietary Solutions for Magnesium Deficiency

If you've been dealing with regular muscle cramps, it might be time to examine your diet. Foods rich in magnesium, such as spinach, almonds, and avocados, could offer much-needed relief.

It's not just about what we eat; our bodies also need help absorbing this essential mineral. Consuming adequate amounts of fluids can help our bodies absorb minerals like magnesium more efficiently.

Keeping muscles relaxed isn't just about avoiding pain, it's crucial for overall health, too. So make sure your diet includes plenty of magnesium-rich foods, and you take the best types of magnesium.

Potassium Deficiency as a Cause of Muscle Cramps

Examine how inadequate potassium intake or high-stress levels can result in muscle cramping.

Daily Potassium Requirements and Sources

Potassium deficiency can also lead to muscle cramps. The body requires approximately 4,700 milligrams of potassium daily. Stress and sugar consumption can deplete potassium levels in the body.

Fulfilling your body's potassium needs isn't tough if you know where to look. Foods with plenty of potassium include avocados, yams, and spinach.

You might be surprised how these dietary tweaks can make all the difference in preventing muscle cramping caused by potassium deficiency. So next time stress creeps in, or that sugar craving hits hard, reach for one of these nutrient-dense options instead.

Vitamin B1 Deficiency and Calf Tenderness

Did you know that calf tenderness can be a symptom of Vitamin B1 deficiency? This nutrient plays an essential role in our muscle health. If your body is low on vitamin B1, it might give you a heads-up with the uncomfortable feeling of tender calves.

Dietary Remedies for Vitamin B1 Deficiency

We must address this deficiency head-on to eliminate those bothersome cramps. One solution? Nutritional yeast can help with supplying your body with vitamin B1.

Other foods rich in vitamin B1 include meat and eggs. Incorporating these into your diet could help soothe stubborn calf tenderness caused by stress or overconsumption of refined carbohydrates and sugar.

Natural Remedies for Muscle Cramps

Cramping muscles can halt your day, but there are natural ways to fight back. Ensure adequate hydration to promote proper muscle function and electrolyte balance. Water plays a crucial role in muscle function and helps maintain electrolyte balance.

apple cider vinegar

The Role of Apple Cider Vinegar in Cramp Relief

One surprising remedy in your pantry is apple cider vinegar (ACV). ACV is rich in minerals like potassium and magnesium that help relax cramping muscles. It's also believed that the acetic acid found within ACV aids our bodies' absorption of these vital nutrients.

As supported by research findings, a tablespoon or two mixed into the water may offer relief when cramps strike due to its ability to mobilize calcium into tissues.

Muscle cramps can be painful, but they don't have to ruin your routine. With simple remedies like hydration and apple cider vinegar, natural solutions are ready for action.


Experiencing muscle cramps, whether during physical activity or at night, can be uncomfortable.

Medications for conditions like high blood pressure and high cholesterol can contribute to nocturnal leg cramps by affecting electrolyte balance and nerve signals controlling muscle contraction. Excessive calcium intake, especially from supplements, can overload the bloodstream and lead to muscle cramps.

Magnesium deficiency is a common cause of muscle cramps, emphasizing the importance of foods rich in magnesium, such as spinach and almonds. Potassium and vitamin B1 deficiencies are also linked to muscle cramps, highlighting the need for a balanced diet.

Natural remedies like apple cider vinegar can help relieve muscle cramps by promoting mineral absorption and proper muscle function.

Addressing underlying causes and incorporating natural remedies and dietary adjustments can effectively manage and prevent muscle cramps, improving comfort and quality of life.

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