
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Irritable Male Syndrome or Just Low Testosterone

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 05/14/2024

While mood swings are an accepted part of life, having more than normal can be troubling and a sign of an underlying issue. In men's health particularly, conditions causing mood swings are often overlooked.

Learn about IMS, PEDS, how it affects men, and what can be done about these two conditions.

Understanding Irritable Male Syndrome and PEDS

Irritable male syndrome (IMS) and Partial Endocrine Deficiency Syndrome (PEDS) are two conditions in men's health that are rarely discussed.

Hormonal Shifts in Aging Men

As guys age, hormones can become imbalanced. Testosterone levels drop while cortisol might increase.

These hormonal shifts can lead to conditions like IMS and PEDS—where moodiness meets muscle loss.

So while mood swings may indicate this conditions, the consequences can be far more serious.

Symptoms and Impact on Quality of Life

Irritability is a common sign of the hormonal imbalances that lead to IMS and PEDS.

Fatigue and trouble concentrating are two more symptoms that commonly plague men suffering from hormonal imbalances.

If you notice these symptoms and believe you may have an underlying problem, it is important to speak with a medical professional to discuss your concerns.

The Role of Diet in Managing Mood and Hormone Levels

What we eat impacts our hormones and mood more than we give it credit for.

Benefits of a Ketogenic Diet for Hormonal Balance

The keto diet is a diet that requires a heavily lowered carb intake, while increasing intake of foods like vegetables and meats.

By cutting carbs low enough to enter ketosis, steadier energy levels and improved focus can be achieved.

A study highlighted significant mood improvements among participants who adopted fasting - less tension, anger reduction, and confusion clearance with an added boost in daytime concentration that could rival your morning espresso shot.

In addition fasting and keto can help with weight loss, which also helps regulate hormones.

Weight loss concept

Weight Loss as a Positive Side Effect

Weight loss is a bonus benefit of adopting the keto diet and intermittent fasting.

Healthy weight loss can help take strain off your joints while also assisting with mood regulation and overall health.

Zinc's Influence on Testosterone Production

Low testosterone isn't the only factor that can cause imbalance; zinc deficiency can also cause enormous issues for your hormonal health..

How Zinc Can Alleviate Symptoms of PEDS

Low testosterone can lead to low energy levels and fatigue. Thankfully, zinc can help alleviate these symptoms.

With proper mineral intake like zinc, your overall hormonal health can improve. With consistent evidence pointing toward benefits such as improved male hormonal health, supplementing with this mighty mineral can support your testosterone.

The Importance of Amino Acids in Hormonal Health

L-arginine is an amino acid that boosts growth hormone and testosterone levels which might just help turn back time on aging effects.

As you age, this amino acid becomes depleted.

L-arginine's Role in Enhancing Testosterone Levels

L-arginine is necessary for testosterone production. As men age, their T-levels often take a significant drop. This can make mood swings more drastic and muscle mass deteriorate

Studies show that supplementing with L-arginine could give those testosterone levels the nudge they need. More testosterone doesn’t just mean more vitality; it also helps keep nitric oxide levels up.

Exercise as a Natural Remedy for Mood Improvement

Regular exercise is an excellent way to help regulate hormonal swings.

Types of Exercise Beneficial for Hormonal Health

Resistance training, like lifting weights or bodyweight exercises, isn't just about muscles; it boosts testosterone levels that tend to dip with age.

Cardio can help curb cortisol surges, which can be detrimental to well-being.

Exercise Frequency and Intensity Recommendations

Aim for 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity weekly—that’s like taking brisk walks around your neighborhood or swimming some laps at the pool. In addition, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) can be beneficial if you do not have as much time for cardio.

The trick is consistency without overdoing it because too much stress from intense workouts can spike cortisol levels.

Turmeric root and powder

Turmeric's Impact on Estrogen and Prostate Health

Turmeric's impact on estrogen and prostate health is an intriguing area of study, particularly concerning the potential benefits of turmeric for men

While traditionally known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, turmeric's role in hormonal balance garners attention.

Turmeric, with its active compound curcumin, may have the ability to modulate estrogen levels in the body, offering potential benefits for conditions where estrogen imbalance is a concern.

Additionally, turmeric's anti-inflammatory qualities could contribute to prostate health by reducing inflammation and promoting well-being.

Although further research is needed to fully understand the extent of turmeric's influence on estrogen and prostate health, its potential to support men's well-being is promising, making it an attractive option for those seeking natural solutions to hormonal concerns.


Understanding conditions like Irritable Male Syndrome (IMS) and Partial Androgen Deficiency Syndrome (PADAM) illuminates overlooked aspects of men's health.

Hormonal shifts with age can lead to mood swings and fatigue, but dietary interventions like the ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting, along with supplementation of nutrients like zinc and amino acids, offer promising solutions.

Exercise, particularly resistance training and cardio, aids in mood regulation and hormonal health. Consulting a healthcare professional for personalized guidance is crucial for men experiencing symptoms of IMS or PADAM.

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