
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Fasting Effects on the Diabetics Eyes

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 05/15/2024

As someone with diabetes, you know the stakes are high when it comes to your eye health. Diabetic retinopathy is no joke - it's a leading cause of blindness.

But what if I told you that something as simple as fasting could be your secret weapon against this vision-stealing villain?

Yep, you read that right. Fasting isn't just a trendy diet thing - it's got some serious science backing up its eye-protecting powers. And the best part? You don't need any fancy equipment or expensive meds. Just a little willpower and a lot of know-how.

Alright, let's get down to business and talk about how fasting can impact your diabetic eye health. Your eyes will be forever grateful for the extra attention.

Understanding the Protective Effects of Fasting on Diabetic Retinopathy

Fasting has emerged as a powerful tool in the fight against diabetic retinopathy, a serious complication of diabetes that can lead to vision loss. By acting as a shield for the retina, fasting helps protect against the damaging effects of high blood sugar levels.

The physiological mechanisms behind this protective effect are fascinating. When we fast, our bodies undergo a series of changes that can have a profound impact on our health.

The Role of Fasting in Nerve Protection

One of the key ways that fasting protects against diabetic retinopathy is by producing compounds that counter nerve damage in the eyes and other parts of the body.

This is particularly important for people with diabetes, who are at increased risk of nerve damage due to high blood sugar levels.

Research has shown that fasting can stimulate the production of neurotrophic factors, which are proteins that help protect and repair nerve cells. These factors can help prevent or slow down the progression of nerve damage in the retina, reducing the risk of vision loss.

Woman intermittent fasting

The Impact of High Blood Sugar on Nervous System

Consistently elevated blood sugar can wreak havoc on the nervous system, including the delicate retinal nerves. Left unchecked, this damage may progress to diabetic retinopathy, a disorder characterized by damaged, leaky blood vessels in the retina


Fasting has been shown to help mitigate these effects by lowering blood sugar levels and reducing inflammation in the body. By giving the body a break from the constant influx of glucose, fasting allows the nervous system to recover and repair itself.

Research shows that intermittent fasting can work wonders for those with diabetic retinopathy by improving insulin sensitivity and reducing oxidative stress – two major culprits in the development of this eye condition.

So, if you're looking for a natural way to protect your vision and reduce your risk of diabetic retinopathy, consider incorporating fasting into your lifestyle. Whether it's a daily 16-hour fast or a weekly 24-hour fast, the benefits for your eyes and overall health can be significant.

The Microbiome's Role in Diabetic Eye Health During Fasting

The gut microbiome plays a crucial role in our overall health, and recent research has shown that it may also have a significant impact on diabetic eye health. Fasting, it turns out, can be a powerful tool for improving the microbiome and reducing the risk of diabetes-related eye conditions.

Modification of Bile Acids Through Fasting

Fasting can help improve eye health in people with diabetes by changing the bile acids in their gut. These acids, made in the liver, are important for digesting and absorbing fats. But that's not all they do.

Bile acids also help regulate glucose metabolism in the body, which is key for managing diabetes.

During fasting, the composition of bile acids in the gut changes, leading to an increase in certain types of bile acids that have been shown to have neuroprotective effects.

These bile acids can help protect the nerves in the eyes and other parts of the body from damage caused by high blood sugar levels.

Strengthening Microbial Resistance to Pathogens

Fasting has also been shown to enhance the ability of gut microbes to tolerate pathogens, which can contribute to overall eye health. When we fast, the composition of our gut microbiome changes, with certain types of beneficial bacteria becoming more dominant.

These beneficial bacteria produce short-chain fatty acids that help strengthen the gut barrier and reduce inflammation in the body. This, in turn, can help protect against the development of diabetes-related eye conditions such as diabetic retinopathy.

When you fast, your gut becomes a welcoming home for a diverse array of friendly microbes. This variety matters – it's like having a team of tiny guardians working to keep the troublemakers at bay, reducing inflammation and protecting you from disease.

Ready to boost your gut health and protect your eyes from diabetes-related issues? Give fasting a try. Intermittent fasting or longer fasts can work wonders for your microbiome, leading to a happier, healthier you.

Comprehensive Benefits of Fasting Beyond Eye Health

While the protective effects of fasting on diabetic retinopathy are certainly impressive, the benefits of this ancient practice go far beyond eye health. In fact, fasting has been shown to have a wide range of positive effects on the body, particularly for those with diabetes.

Blood Sugar Regulation Through Fasting

One of the most significant benefits of fasting for diabetics is its ability to regulate blood sugar levels. When we fast, our bodies are forced to rely on stored energy sources, such as glycogen and fat, rather than the constant influx of glucose from food.

This helps to improve insulin sensitivity and reduce the overall burden on the pancreas, which is responsible for producing insulin. Over time, this can lead to better blood sugar control and a reduced risk of complications such as diabetic retinopathy.

In fact, studies have shown that intermittent fasting can be just as effective as calorie restriction for improving glucose control in people with type 2 diabetes. And the best part? It's often easier to stick with than traditional diets.

Insulin Sensitivity and Oxidative Stress

Fasting isn't just about keeping blood sugar in check – it can also improve how well your body responds to insulin and put the brakes on oxidative stress. See, when your body makes more free radicals than it can handle, your cells take a beating and inflammation ramps up.

But by hitting pause on eating, you're giving your body the green light to get back in balance.

Skipping meals can actually be good for you. When you fast, your body activates stress response pathways that reduce oxidative stress and boost insulin sensitivity.

This helps protect you from complications of diabetes, like retinopathy – so don't feel guilty about missing breakfast every now and then.

The perks of fasting go way beyond weight loss. Cardiovascular health? Check. Better brain function? You bet. And if animal studies are any indication, it might even add some extra candles to your birthday cake.

So, ready to give your health a serious upgrade? Fasting could be the simple solution you've been waiting for.

Listen, before you jump into fasting, it's crucial to check with your doc – especially if you're dealing with diabetes or other health issues. But for most folks, the perks of fasting are worth the effort, and the results can be a real game-changer.

before and after pinkeye healing

Fasting Effects on Diabetic Eye

Fasting can have profound effects on diabetic eye health, offering potential vision protection benefits. However, it's crucial for individuals with diabetes to be mindful of their eye health, especially when fasting.

Alongside medical interventions, incorporating home remedies for pink eye, such as warm compresses or saline eye drops, can provide additional relief and support.

These remedies can help alleviate symptoms like redness, itchiness, and discomfort, promoting overall eye health during fasting periods.


So there you have it - the incredible eye-shielding powers of fasting for diabetics. We've seen how it can protect your precious peepers from nerve damage, keep your microbiome in tip-top shape, and even help regulate those pesky blood sugar levels.

Forget the eye health benefits for a second. Fasting is a full-body reboot that can work wonders for your insulin sensitivity, help you fight off oxidative stress, and give you an energy surge that'll make you feel unstoppable. It's like giving your body a spa day, but better!

Of course, always check with your doc before starting any new health regimen. But if you get the green light, why not give fasting a shot?

Your eyes (and the rest of you) might just be amazed at the difference it can make. Here's to a brighter, clearer future - one fast at a time!

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