
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Doing Low Carbs BUT Still Hungry and Craving

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 02/15/2024

Starting a low-carb diet promises weight loss and improved health, but hitting a wall of unexpected hunger can feel like a setback.

Embarking on this exploration, we aim to illuminate the stealthy presence of carbohydrates in your diet, underscore the oft-overlooked importance of fats in satiation, and discuss the necessity for temporal endurance as your body acclimatizes.

Delving into the role of fiber-rich veggies in keeping those hunger waves at bay, we'll also examine how intertwining periods of fasting with your carb-conscious journey might be the pivotal strategy for enhancing your outcomes.

Additionally, we tackle insulin resistance—a common obstacle that might be getting in the way of your nutritional absorption and satisfaction.

Unmasking Hidden Carbs in Your Diet

Unmasking Hidden Carbs in Your Diet sheds light on the often overlooked sources of carbohydrates, offering insight into how seemingly innocuous foods can contribute to carb intake.

By uncovering these hidden sources, individuals can make more informed dietary choices and better manage their carbohydrate consumption. This article aims to empower readers with the knowledge to navigate their diet effectively and achieve their health goals.

The Sneaky Sources of Carbs

Foods like yogurt and those labeled as keto-friendly often hide more carbs than you'd think. Despite being marketed for low-carb dieters, they can secretly sabotage your progress.

This happens because manufacturers sometimes use sweeteners and fillers that add to the carb count.

To sidestep these snares, it's paramount to scrutinize ingredient lists with great care. Not all products that seem diet-friendly are created equal.

For example, some yogurts may be packed with added sugars or fruit compotes, significantly increasing their carbohydrate content.

Moreover, many packaged foods touted as suitable for a ketogenic lifestyle contain hidden carbs in the form of starches and sugar alcohols. While they might fit within a technical definition of 'low-carb,' they could still disrupt ketosis if consumed in large quantities.

The Role of Dietary Fat in Satiety

Diving straight into the heart of a low-carb lifestyle, it's crucial to understand why fats are your friends. Unlike carbs that burn quickly and leave you craving more, dietary fats slow down digestion. This makes you feel full longer.

Fats vs. Carbs - Balancing Your Diet

Think about balancing your diet as if tuning a guitar; too much tension (carbs) and the string snaps – leaving you hungry soon after eating. However, just enough tension (fats) produces a harmonious sound that lasts longer between meals.

Increasing dietary fat is beneficial and necessary for satiety on a low-carb diet.

Supporting this concept with data shows that upping your intake of healthy fats can aid in satisfying hunger while supporting extended fasting periods. Healthline discusses ten reasons to eat more fat, including its role in satiety and weight management.

The Importance of Patience and Persistence

Embarking on a low-carb diet is like starting a garden. You plant seeds (change your eating habits) and wait for them to sprout.

Like watching plants grow, the fruits of your dedication to a low-carb lifestyle might not appear overnight, but hang in there—eventually, they'll flourish.

A common mistake many make is not giving the diet enough time to work its magic. Your body needs to adjust from burning carbs for energy to using fats instead. This transition doesn't happen overnight.

To help you stay the course, consider tracking your progress in ways other than just the scale. Measure your waist circumference or note improvements in how you feel day-to-day.

These markers can offer encouragement that something good is happening, even if it's not immediately visible on the surface.

Nutrient Intake and Hunger Signals

Explains how insufficient nutrient intake, particularly from vegetables, can lead to feelings of hunger even on a low-carb diet.

vinaigrette dressing

The Crucial Role of Vegetables

Shedding light on how veggies, crucial for their nutrient-rich profiles and ability to fill you up, play an indispensable role in a low-carb diet.

Vegetables aren't just the colorful side characters on your plate; they're nutrient-dense superheroes fighting off hunger. When you skimp on these, especially in a low-carb diet, you might find yourself constantly raiding the fridge.

Veggies are packed with fiber and essential nutrients that help keep us whole.

This isn't just about filling up your stomach; it's about giving your body what it needs to function optimally. A lack of sufficient nutrient intake can leave you hungry no matter how much you eat. So next time, maybe let kale join the party, too.

Addressing Nutrient Absorption Issues

How insulin resistance and gallbladder or liver issues can affect nutrient absorption and satisfaction.

If eating more vegetables still leaves you wanting snacks, consider this: Maybe it's not what you eat but how your body handles it. Insulin resistance and gallbladder or liver issues can throw a wrench into nutrient absorption processes.

Facing such challenges doesn’t mean defeat; understanding them is step one toward adjusting your approach for better health outcomes.

Chatting with a health expert about these hurdles might be the secret sauce to mastering your appetite and maintaining a low-carb way of life.

Combining Low-Carb Diets with Fasting

Fusing a low-carb diet with fasting strategies can turbocharge your weight loss journey and tame the hunger beast. By teaming up, this powerhouse pair boosts your metabolism's effectiveness, transforming you into an efficient fat-incinerating entity.

The Synergy Between Fasting and Low-Carb Eating

When you marry intermittent fasting with low-carb eating, you overhaul your metabolism. Shifting from coal to rocket fuel for power feels akin to upgrading your body's energy source. Your body starts using fat as its primary energy source instead of carbs.

Transitioning to this method not only aids in weight reduction but also plays a significant role in suppressing those relentless cravings. Studies have shown that combined methods can lead to better weight loss outcomes than either approach alone.

Overcoming Insulin Resistance for Better Nutrient Absorption

Insulin resistance might be the party crasher in your body's nutrient absorption process if you're perpetually hungry on a low-carb diet.

Battling this issue might lead to a scenario where, despite your best efforts to resist, you constantly search for munchies because the vital sustenance your cells crave is being barricaded.

Easing into a lifestyle where sugar and refined foods are less dominant can help counteract the unwelcome effects of insulin resistance. Sugar and processed meals are the antagonists in combating insulin resistance.

Eliminating these foods nudges your system toward regaining its insulin responsiveness, paving the way for enhanced health.

Incorporating exercises like strength training or HIIT workouts into your routine can also help improve insulin sensitivity.

A study highlighted by PubMed shows that regular physical activity encourages muscles to use glucose more efficiently, countering insulin resistance and enhancing nutrient uptake.

Mysteries of Persistent Hunger on a Low-Carb Diet with Keto Buns

Keto Buns offer a satisfying solution when managing hunger on a low-carb diet. Despite the reduced carbohydrate intake, some individuals may still experience persistent hunger, which can be frustrating.

Incorporating Keto Buns into your meals can help curb cravings and keep you fuller for longer, thanks to their high-fat and moderate protein content.

These buns provide a delicious and convenient way to stay satiated while sticking to your low-carb lifestyle, making them an excellent option for those seeking to solve the hunger puzzle.


Kicking off a low-carb diet often leaves you wondering, why am I still hungry on a low-carb diet? We've unpacked the culprits: sneaky carbs and not enough fats.

Just keep in mind that achieving equilibrium is critical.

Let those hidden carbs come to light. Those so-called keto-friendly snacks might be sabotaging your efforts more than helping them.

Lean into fats for fullness. They're not just fillers; they're fuel that keeps hunger at bay longer than you'd think.

Give it time. Your body needs a moment to catch up with any dietary overhaul. Patience is key.

Veg out! Please don't skimp on the greens or other veggies; they pack nutrients and satisfaction in every bite.

Embracing fasting goes beyond mere trendiness—it's a potent ally alongside a low-carb lifestyle, significantly quelling hunger and amplifying outcomes.

Battle back against insulin resistance by understanding its role in nutrient absorption and how overcoming it can mean less hunger and better health overall.

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