Use Thyme Oil and Intermittent Fasting for Candida

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 08/27/2024

If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with a type of infection called candida, or candidiasis, you’ll be glad to know it can be treated holistically with thyme oil. Yes, it’s from the same herb you have probably used in cooking for its savory flavor.

But I bet you didn’t know its oil is a powerful antifungal agent.

a photo of a bottle of thyme oil alongside sprigs of thyme in a bowl

First, I’ll explain the background of candida.

In this article:-

  1. What is Candida?

  2. How To Use Thyme Oil To Treat A Candida Infection

  3. Combine Thyme Oil With These Two Other Treatments

  4. Try These Powerful Treatments


What Is Candida?

Candida, properly known as candidiasis, is a fungal infection caused by a yeast (a type of fungus) called candida.. You have candida that normally lives on your skin and inside your body - everyone does. Candida can usually be found in the mouth, throat, gut, and vagina, without causing any problems.

But when this usually harmless yeast grows out of control, or gets into your bloodstream or internal organs, it can cause infections.

Candidiasis that develops in the mouth or throat is called thrush or oropharyngeal candidiasis. Candidiasis in the vagina is commonly referred to as a yeast infection. Invasive candidiasis occurs when the candida fungus enters your bloodstream or affects internal organs like your kidney, heart, or brain.

You may believe you have a candida infection, even if you haven’t been diagnosed. The most common symptoms of candidiasis are:

  • Fatigue

  • Memory issues, brain fog, spacey

  • Numbness, tingling, neurological issues

  • Sleeplessness

  • Muscle aches

  • Bloating, abdominal pain, constipation

  • Vaginal itching

  • PMS

  • Anxiety, mood disorders

  • Blood sugar disorders that are also symptomatic of Fat Storing Hormone resistance

  • Rectal itching

  • Nasal itching

  • Loss of your voice

  • White coating on your tongue

  • Headache

photo of a man’s tongue with white coating

If you’re experiencing some of these symptoms, you have an overgrowth of candida. You’re most at risk for candidiasis when you have:

  • Spent time in the intensive care unit (ICU)

  • A compromised immune system

  • Had surgery, especially multiple abdominal surgeries

  • Received antibiotics in the hospital

  • Diabetes

If you have - or suspect you have - a candida infection, it’s important to get treatment. Yet, some strains of the candida yeast are resistant to antifungal medication prescribed to treat it.

Luckily, there’s an alternative: thyme oil.


How To Use Thyme Oil To Treat A Candida Infection

Thyme oil is a powerful antiseptic and antifungal that will destroy the candida yeast causing your infection, but without harming the beneficial bacteria and fungus your body needs to be healthy.

You can get thyme essential oil at virtually any reputable health food store. Because standards for quality control of essential oils do not currently exist in the United States, before you buy it be sure to read any information provided on the label or website, or ask questions about its quality. Try to find out where the plants were grown, and whether or not they were organically farmed, for example.

Thyme oil can be used in a couple of different ways:

You can put it directly on the infected area of your body. There’s no need to dilute it. Or, you can take it by mouth. Put one drop of oil in 8 ounces of filtered water, and then drink it.

And there are two other powerful treatments you can do yourself to treat a candida infection.

Let’s take a look.


Combine Thyme Oil With These Two Other Treatments

As good as thyme oil is, you can increase the power of your treatment by doing intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting stimulates a process in your body called autophagy

When autophagy is triggered, your cells essentially recycle cellular garbage. The process of autophagy cleans up old fungi, yeast, viruses, and candida from your cells, turning them into usable proteins and fatty acids. It’s as though you had a garbage disposal that turned waste into new food.

Adding intermittent fasting to your daily regime will go a long way toward eliminating the overgrowth of candida from your body.

Along with thyme oil and intermittent fasting, I want you to sharply reduce your carbohydrate and sugar intake - the Healthy KetoTM diet is perfect for this. Candida thrives in a sugary environment, so when you take away its preferred nutrient, you’ll make it very difficult for it to grow.

And you know I’m an authority on the keto diet. I’ve helped many people lose weight, regain their energy and mental clarity, and even reverse type 2 diabetes. So I encourage you to adopt the keto way of eating and combine it with intermittent fasting, whether or not you have candidiasis, because you can improve your health in many ways besides treating a fungal infection.


Try These Powerful Treatments

There’s no need for you to suffer with a candida infection. Even if you’ve been prescribed an antifungal medication, they sometimes are ineffective because the fungi have become resistant. As well, they often kill the beneficial fungi along with the overgrowth of candida.

Thyme oil doesn’t have these problems, yet can be very effective. Then, when you boost its power by going on the keto diet and doing intermittent fasting, you’re setting yourself up for successfully eliminating candidiasis as well as laying a strong foundation for your overall health.

Isn’t it time you gave these remedies a try?

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Disclaimer: Our educational content is not meant or intended for medical advice or treatment.

Editor’s Note: This post has been updated for quality and relevancy.

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