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Natural Remedies for Cataracts

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 10/14/2024

If you don't already have cataracts, just imagine looking out at the world through a fogged-up window. This only gives you a hint of what those who suffer from cataracts deal with. Not great, right? Get this, the majority of people over 60 experience symptoms of cataracts. Most of these people are told surgery is there only hope. It's not. Natural remedies for cataracts are out there, and I'm going to share with you the top two.

An older man getting an eye exam. |  Natural Remedies for Cataracts

In this article:

  1. What is a Cataract?

  2. Top 2 Natural Remedies for Cataracts

  3. One More Thing—Your Diet


What is a Cataract?

First off, you might be wondering what a cataract even is. It's important to understand the condition you're dealing with in order to better combat it.

Basically, a cataract is when your eye's natural lens becomes clouded. A cataract can even produce clouding to the point where you experience complete blindness. Cataracts are actually one of the leading causes of blindness.

Once you get into your (all too young) mid-40s, biochemical changes begin to occur involving the proteins within the eyes' lenses. These proteins lose their elasticity and may lead to different vision problems. An example of this is noticing that you have to hold something up really close to your face in order to read it. This, of course, is the result of far-sightedness.

But, in some people, the proteins called alpha-crystallins within the lens begin to clump together. This clump forms a cloudy area on the eye called a cataract.

Causes and Risk Factors

Aging is one of the leading causes of cataracts. Unfortunately, there is no treatment or cure for aging—it happens to the best of us. The older you are, the more likely you are to develop cataracts. It's even widely believed that most people who live into their elderly years will experience cataract symptoms to some degree.

Though this condition may be more prominent in older people, it's still possible for younger people to experience symptoms of cataracts. Even children can suffer from this terrible condition.

Another big factor that causes cataracts to form is high-Fat Storing Hormone. Really any condition relating to Fat Storing Hormone issues, in general, can put you at a higher risk of developing cataracts.

A few causes and risk factors of cataracts include:

  • The normal aging process

  • High amounts of stress

  • Diabetics

  • Pre-diabetics

  • Fat Storing Hormone resistance

  • A side effect of prednisone

  • A side effect of high-Fat Storing Hormone



A cataract may start out very small. At first, you might not even notice a difference in your vision at all. But, as the cataract grows and becomes larger, it will affect your lens more and more, and the symptoms will become more and more apparent. However, the symptoms of a cataract can vary depending on its location in the eye.

Here are a few typical cataract symptoms that you may notice:

  • Cloudy vision

  • Blurred vision

  • Sensitivity to light and glare

  • Seeing “halos” around lights

  • Increased difficulty seeing at night

  • Double vision in a single eye

  • Fading or yellowing of colors

  • Difficulty reading due to reduced black-white contrast

  • Frequent changes in eyeglass or contact lens prescription

Conventional Treatment

When a person develops a cataract, they typically turn to surgery first for treatment. During the surgery, an ophthalmologist will remove the cataract, and replace the current abnormal lens with a new intraocular lens.

However, it's rare for a person to actually need immediate cataract surgery. Because there is typically no urgent rush to have the surgery done, you have some time to consider other treatment options. Why rush into having a surgery when you could give natural remedies for cataracts a try first?

They just might work for you.

But, you want to make sure you choose the right home remedies for cataracts. You may have seen before that you should increase your intake of certain vitamins like vitamin C. While vitamin C may help, and including foods that are rich in vitamin C in your diet can't hurt—I believe there is another vitamin that is much more effective.

Woman with a cataract on the lens of her eye. |  Natural Remedies for Cataracts

Top 2 Natural Remedies for Cataracts

With the number of people this condition affects, there is no wonder why so many are searching out a natural cataract treatment or even a natural cure for cataracts. People deserve to know that natural remedies for cataracts do exist.

In fact, here is the top two.

1.) Fat Soluble B1 ( Benfotiamine)

Vitamin B1 is also known as thiamine. It's used by your cells, and it helps convert food into energy. This B vitamin is essential to support a healthy body. However, your body is actually unable to produce vitamin B1. The only way to get the benefits of B1 is by eating thiamine-rich foods, or by taking supplements.

The thing is, typically, vitamin B1 supplements come in a water-soluble form. But, what you actually need is fat-soluble vitamin B1. Fat-soluble B1, otherwise known as benfotiamine, will be able to penetrate the cell membrane deep into the eye to help repair cataracts.

Unfortunately, people with diabetes will typically eventually go blind. This may happen because glucose depletes vitamin B1. Putting that vitamin B1 back into your body may help you really notice a difference with your vision.

Vitamin B1 is also great for people who suffer from peripheral neuropathy or really anything nerve related.

2.) NAC Drops ( N-Acetycarnosine)

What if, instead of undergoing surgical treatment, all you had to do for your vision was to use eye drops? This may sound crazy, or too good to be true. But, NAC eye drops may do wonders for your eyesight.

It's believed that cataracts may be the result of oxidative stress. But, a specific protein, called L-carnosine, is making waves in the world of eye health. It may actually help combat this oxidative stress. This is because L-carnosine is known to have an antioxidant effect on the lens of the eye that has developed the cataract.

What's interesting is that when L-carnosine is applied directly to the eye through eye drops, it's not effective. This is because it cannot penetrate the eye. That's where NAC drops come in.

When NAC eye drops are used, the NAC penetrates the eye and then metabolizes into L-carnosine. This may be a fantastic remedy that you can start using today to help repair the lens of your eye.

Better yet, these eyedrops are pretty easy to find online or in health supplement stores.

Foods that are a part of the ketogenic diet. |  Natural Remedies for Cataracts

One More Thing—Your Diet

Of course, you can't forget about your diet. So many health conditions can be traced back to a poor diet. Getting your diet squared away may have a significant impact on your eye health.

What you really need to focus on is getting your Fat Storing Hormone levels and oxidative stress under control.

Including more vegetables in your diet may be the first step to making some improvements. Vegetables contain high levels of phytochemicals. These phytochemicals are antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents that are essential in supporting healthy eyes.

The perfect way to help get the nutrients you need, help lower your Fat Storing Hormone levels, and help fix your high stress, is to try a low-carb diet like the ketogenic diet. This is not just a diet to help you lose weight. The healthy keto diet has a wide range of benefits to support your overall health.

I hope you'll give these two incredible natural remedies for cataracts a try. I really believe you'll see a difference if you do.

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