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How To Fix A Sore Throat Within 2 Minutes! WITHOUT Pills, Herbs, Or Drugs

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 09/04/2024

Today, I’ll show you how to relieve a persistent sore throat in two minutes without using pills, herbs, or drugs. We’re going to use acupressure, and I’ll teach you how to do that, too, so keep reading to find out more.

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In this article:

  1. What Causes a Persistent Sore Throat?

  2. What Are the Symptoms of a Persistent Sore Throat?

  3. How to Perform Acupressure for Sore Throat Relief

  4. How to Do Acupressure on Someone Else

  5. How to Do Acupressure on Yourself

  6. What Foods and Drinks Should You Consume and Not Consume When You Have a Persistent Sore Throat?

  7. When Do You Need to See Your Doctor?

  8. How to Prevent a Persistent Sore Throat

How to Ease a Persistent Sore Throat with Acupressure

What Causes a Persistent Sore Throat?

Before I tell you how you can naturally ease your sore throat, let me first discuss briefly why you have this condition in the first place. You know you have a sore throat when your throat feels dry, scratchy, or painful. The following are common causes of the condition:

  • Tumor of the throat

  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or acid reflux

  • Neck injury

  • Smoking and other chemical irritants

  • Dry air

  • Allergies

  • Bacterial infections (which may lead to rapid strep throat, peritonsillar abscess, rheumatic fever, and scarlet fever)

  • Viruses that cause flu, colds, runny nose, and other viral infections 

  • Tonsillitis 

  • Acute pharyngitis

GERD Definition: A digestive disorder that happens when the stomach acid often flows back into the pipe connecting the stomach and mouth, irritating the esophagus lining. 

Acute Pharyngitis Definition: An inflammation of the pharynx that causes a sensation of scratchiness and pain in the throat region.

Rheumatic Fever Definition: An inflammatory disease that occurs when scarlet fever and strep throat are not treated properly. It can affect and cause pain in the heart, joints, skin, and the head.

Scarlet Fever Definition: A bacterial illness common in people with strep throat, especially children ages 5-15. People with scarlet fever have bright red rashes all over the body, together with a high fever and a sore throat.

What Are the Symptoms of a Persistent Sore Throat?

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The symptoms of this condition depend on the cause, but common signs and symptoms include the following:

  • Voice hoarseness and raspy

  • Pus or white patches on your tonsils

  • Red or swollen tonsils

  • Swollen glands in your neck like lymph nodes (which can cause breathing problems)

  • Difficulty in swallowing

  • Pain that worsens when talking or swallowing

  • Scratchy sensation or pain in the throat

For chronic sore throat caused by infections, you may experience the following signs and symptoms:

  • Vomiting

  • Headache

  • Body aches

  • Sneezing

  • Runny nose

  • Cough

  • Low-grade fever (sometimes high fever depending on the type of infection)   

How to Perform Acupressure for Sore Throat Relief

The technique to relieve a persistent sore throat I’ll introduce here is a type of acupressure I developed. You can do it yourself or have someone do it for you. If you point right to the sore throat, then you’ll make an invisible line to the back, which is exactly the opposite side to the sore throat. By pressing the opposite side, you free up the lymphatic system and increase blood circulation and nerve flow. You’ll notice the soreness goes away and stops coming back.

How to Do Acupressure on Someone Else

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  • Ask the person to rate the soreness from 1 to 10; 10 being very hard to swallow and with intense pain.

  • Hold their forehead, have the person lean back (see video for accuracy), and press inward on the opposite side or the back of the neck. You’ll know you’re hitting the right spot if the person lets you know it’s a little tender and tight on the neck.

  • Hold for two minutes and then ask the person to rate the soreness again. It should be lower as you continue applying pressure. You might have to go lower. You might also find an area that is more tender than the other.

RELATED: Acupressure For Neck Tension

How to Do Acupressure on Yourself

You can use the acupressure tool and choose which side of it you want, depending on the size of your neck.

  • Place the tool in the back of your neck and lean back on your bed, couch, or chair.

  • Hold for two minutes. Keep applying pressure until the soreness is completely gone.

If you’re a person who typically gets viral sore throats, you can do this acupressure point technique, and you won’t have to deal with a throat infection during the winter months or whenever it usually occurs.

What Foods and Drinks Should You Consume and Not Consume When You Have a Persistent Sore Throat? 

Beautiful woman sitting with healthy green food and drinking smoothie at home | How To Fix A Sore Throat Within 2 Minutes! WITHOUT Pills, Herbs Or Drugs | persistent sore throat | what to eat when you have a sore throat

It’s important to know what to eat with a sore throat to avoid worsening the condition. Soft foods are ideal for a sore throat because they’re easy to swallow and safe to eat. Their soft texture helps limit the irritation in your throat. You can also consume warm foods and drinks as they can help soothe your throat. Some examples are as follows:

  • Hard-boiled or scrambled eggs

  • Milk

  • Cream-based and broth soups

  • Mashed potatoes

  • Vegetable smoothies

  • Cooked vegetables

Avoid foods that may worsen the irritation in your throat or are hard to swallow. Some examples include the following:

  • Acidic fruits like lemons and oranges

  • Fresh raw vegetables

  • Alcohol

  • Coffee

  • Spicy sauces and seasonings

  • Crusty bread 

When Do You Need to See Your Doctor?

See your doctor when your persistent sore throat won’t go away and when it lasts longer than seven days. If the cause of your sore throat is a bacterial infection, like Fusobacterium necrophorum, your physician may prescribe you antibiotics. If the condition starts to become unbearable and you have a severe sore throat, you should immediately see your doctor. Your physician may run tests using a throat swab to see if there is a major underlying cause of the condition that needs further attention. 

How to Prevent a Persistent Sore Throat

Prevention is always better than cure, so you need to avoid doing things that may lead to a common sore throat. Here are the best practices you should follow to maintain a healthy throat and tonsils:

  • Stop smoking.

  • Drink plenty of water every day.

  • Get enough rest each day.

  • Follow a healthy and well-balanced diet.

  • Keep your hands away from your face as much as possible.

  • Don't share utensils, foods, or drinks with others.

  • Make it a habit of washing your hands often.

  • Stay away from people who have colds, flu, or cough.

  • Treat your GERD and allergies.

The point of taking these preventive measures is to stay healthy by following a healthy lifestyle. This way, you’ll have a high tolerance for a sore throat caused by bacteria and viruses.

You can always naturally treat a persistent sore throat using my acupressure method. Try this technique at home and see for yourself. If it doesn’t work and the condition gets worse, visit your doctor immediately. 

Do you frequently have a sore throat? What are your sore throat remedies to ease the symptoms? Share your experience in the comments section below!

Up Next:

Understand acupressure and learn more Body Conditions from Dr. Berg Video Blog.

Disclaimer: Our educational content is not meant or intended for medical advice or treatment.

Editor’s Note: This post has been updated for quality and relevancy.

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