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Are Electrolyte Drinks Good for You? What to Watch Out For

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 01/27/2024

Sports drinks are widely advertised as a healthy option to promote hydration and replenish electrolytes, but are electrolyte drinks good for you? 

Unfortunately, many popular electrolyte drinks are packed with sugar and caffeine, and regularly drinking sports drinks can cause weight gain and dehydration. 

Discover the importance of maintaining electrolyte balance and learn how to choose the best electrolyte powder to make your own electrolyte drink.    

Man drinking a sports drink

Are conventional electrolyte drinks healthy?

While most commercial sports drinks provide electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium, they also tend to be high in sugar and caffeine and often contain artificial ingredients. 

High consumption of pre-mixed isotonic electrolyte drinks is associated with weight gain and can exacerbate dehydration as a result of their high caffeine content, which triggers increased urination and fluid loss.    

A study published in Nutrients confirms the adverse health effects of traditional sports drinks and concludes that individuals who regularly consume sugar-sweetened electrolyte beverages are at increased risk of excessive weight, inadequate hydration status, and dental issues. 

Watch the video below to find out why sports drinks can cause dehydration and weight gain. 

How to choose a healthy electrolyte drink

Electrolytes are essential minerals that regulate various physiological functions, and incorporating electrolyte drinks into your daily routine is an excellent way to maintain optimal electrolyte levels and promote a healthy body.

Sodium and potassium are crucial electrolytes that regulate fluid balance and facilitate the transport of water into and out of cells. 

“Many people consume too much table salt and already have a high sodium intake,” explains Dr. Berg. “It’s important to ensure adequate potassium levels to balance the body’s fluid levels and counteract sodium’s water-retaining properties.”     

The body requires around 4,700 milligrams of potassium per day. However, according to evidence published in Clinical Chemistry, most people don’t consume enough electrolyte-rich foods to meet their daily potassium needs.  

To promote balanced electrolyte levels, it’s best to make your own electrolyte drink using a sugar-free electrolyte powder that contains at least 1,000 milligrams of potassium and around 40 milligrams of sodium per serving.

Maintaining a balanced potassium-to-sodium ratio promotes optimal hydration and helps maintain healthy blood pressure and heart function. 

It’s widely believed that watermelon juice and other fruit juices are good electrolyte sources. Unfortunately, fruit juices are high in sugar, making them unsuitable beverages to replace lost electrolytes. 

Electrolyte powder

5 health benefits of electrolyte drinks

Using an electrolyte powder to make electrolyte-infused water is an excellent alternative to pre-mixed sports drinks that can contain as much as 25 grams of sugar per serving. 

While it’s well known that replacing electrolytes helps maintain fluid and electrolyte balance, drinking electrolyte water offers remarkable health benefits beyond just regulating fluid levels.

Here are five reasons why you should replace electrolytes.  

1. More energy

Sodium and potassium generate a small electrical charge within cells, which is crucial for producing adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

ATP serves as the body’s primary energy currency, and a study published in Function found that potassium enhances the activity of ATP synthase, an enzyme that controls cellular energy production and regulates energy reserves. 

2. Lower risk of heart disease

Electrolytes maintain the body’s fluid balance, which determines blood volume and influences blood pressure.

Electrolyte imbalances, such as high sodium levels in combination with low potassium status, can trigger water retention and lead to increased blood pressure, a primary risk factor for heart disease. 

Potassium also promotes the relaxation of blood vessels, which is linked to healthy blood pressure, and adequate potassium levels are associated with a lower risk of stroke and heart attacks.   

Muscular system illustration

3. Healthy muscle function 

Electrolytes maintain electrical gradients both inside and outside of muscle cells, which is essential for proper muscle contraction and relaxation.

Lack of potassium or magnesium can lead to poor muscle function, which explains why muscle cramps and Charley horses are among the most common symptoms of electrolyte imbalances.   

4. Stress relief 

Potassium helps calm the nervous system and has muscle-relaxing properties, which can counteract stress-related muscle tension and restlessness. 

5. Balanced pH levels 

Electrolytes help regulate the balance between acids and bases, which is critical to maintaining the pH balance of different bodily fluids.

Proper pH levels are vital for normal cellular function, facilitate enzymatic reactions, and support effective digestive processes.

Woman drinking water

When should you drink electrolytes?

Many people only consider electrolyte-containing beverages after intense exercise. 

However, electrolytes are not only lost through excessive sweating but can also be depleted by a high-carb diet, coffee and alcohol consumption, dehydration, certain medications, and gastrointestinal issues such as vomiting and diarrhea.  

Incorporating electrolytes into a balanced diet is an excellent strategy to support optimal electrolyte levels associated with improved cardiovascular health, increased energy production, and healthy muscle function.

While most individuals benefit from taking electrolytes, they’re particularly important for people with diabetes, high blood pressure, malabsorption, and other gastrointestinal conditions, as they tend to lose electrolytes at an increased rate.  

It’s best to consume electrolytes daily to counteract the body’s natural loss of electrolytes and consider using electrolytes both before and after exercise. 

Taking pre-workout electrolytes helps prevent dehydration, and post-workout electrolytes can restore the body’s electrolyte balance and speed up recovery.

Man with a headache

Signs of electrolyte imbalance

Electrolytes play a critical role in regulating various bodily functions, including energy production, muscle concentration, and nerve signal transmission. 

Imbalanced or depleted electrolytes can impair normal cellular functions and result in a wide range of health issues. 

Here are common signs of electrolyte imbalance:

  • Muscle cramps

  • Fatigue

  • Irregular heartbeat

  • High blood pressure

  • Headaches

  • Dehydration

  • Confusion and brain fog

  • Nausea

  • Digestive issues  

  • Dizziness

Mild electrolyte imbalances can easily be managed at home by consuming electrolyte-enriched water. 

However, severe electrolyte depletion has the potential to be life-threatening and is commonly linked to kidney issues, liver disease, gastrointestinal disorders, or high-intensity exercise, particularly in hot or humid environments.

If you show signs of acute electrolyte depletion, such as extreme thirst, paralysis, muscle weakness, or dry mucous membranes, it’s crucial to seek medical care immediately. 

Orange electrolyte powder

Key takeaways

Electrolytes are essential minerals that regulate a wide range of critical bodily functions, but are electrolyte drinks good for you?

While commercial pre-mixed sports drinks contain important electrolytes, these beverages often are high in sugar and contain caffeine, which can cause weight gain and exacerbate dehydration.

Using a sugar-free electrolyte powder that contains at least 1,000 milligrams of potassium per serving is a great way to promote balanced electrolyte levels, optimal hydration, and overall health and well-being.  


1. What are the best electrolyte drinks?

The best electrolyte drinks are sugar- and caffeine-free and contain around 1,000 milligrams of potassium per serving. 

Because many sports drinks are packed with sugar and high in caffeine, it’s recommended to make your own electrolyte drink using a sugar-free electrolyte powder or electrolyte tablets.  

2. Are electrolyte drinks good for you?

Yes, electrolyte-containing drinks are an excellent way to promote electrolyte balance, which is crucial for optimal hydration, energy production, muscle function, and maintaining the body’s pH balance.

However, avoid sugary sports drinks that can cause weight gain and dehydration and opt for electrolyte-enriched water instead. 

3. Are Gatorade and Powerade good for replenishing electrolytes?

Most commercial sports drinks, such as Gatorade or Powerade, are high in caffeine, don’t offer enough potassium to maintain balanced electrolyte levels, and can contain as much as 25 grams of added sugars per serving. 

Regularly consuming these sports drinks is associated with weight gain, tooth enamel corrosion, and dehydration.  

4. What can I drink instead of Gatorade and Powerade for electrolytes?

Making your own electrolyte-enriched water using a high-quality electrolyte powder is an excellent way to promote electrolyte balance without the risk of weight gain.  

Opt for a sugar-free electrolyte powder containing 1,000 milligrams of potassium and around 40 milligrams of sodium to promote a healthy potassium-to-sodium balance, which is linked to better blood pressure control and overall cardiovascular health.  

5. Is it safe to drink electrolytes every day?

Yes, drinking electrolytes daily is safe and an excellent strategy to replenish lost electrolytes, promote optimal hydration, and support energy production and muscle function.    

6. How do I get more electrolytes naturally?

To boost electrolyte levels naturally, focus on foods rich in electrolytes, such as green leafy vegetables, avocados, tomatoes, berries, dairy products, seeds, and nuts.

In addition, plain coconut water, lemon water, and bone broth are natural sources of electrolytes, including sodium, potassium, and magnesium. 

7. How do I know if I need electrolytes?

Many people don’t consume enough electrolytes, including potassium, magnesium, and calcium, to maintain optimal electrolyte balance, and most individuals can benefit from regularly replenishing lost electrolytes.

In addition, symptoms such as muscle cramps, headaches, dehydration, high blood pressure, fatigue, irregular heartbeat, sleep issues, and restlessness can indicate electrolyte imbalances. 

8. How much potassium should be in an electrolyte drink?

A good electrolyte powder contains around 1,000 milligrams of potassium per serving. 

Potassium is an essential electrolyte that helps regulate blood pressure, supports normal muscle function, has a calming effect on the central nervous system, and may lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. 

9. What can I add to my water for electrolytes?

You can add electrolytes to your water using lemon or lime juice, a pinch of Himalayan pink salt, or coconut water. 

However, these ingredients don’t contain enough electrolytes to promote adequate levels, and adding a sugar-free electrolyte powder to your water is a convenient option to maintain electrolyte balance.  


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10346316/ 

  2. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/19333320 

  3. https://academic.oup.com/function/article/3/2/zqab065/6460485


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