
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Still Hungry in the Morning While Fasting and Doing Keto

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 02/15/2024

Waking up with a growling stomach while fasting and following a keto diet is like hitting a speed bump on your health journey. This common hurdle puzzles many, but it's not without explanation or solutions.

We'll dive into the biological clockwork behind morning hunger, from cortisol spikes to dietary missteps the night before. Understanding these mechanisms can turn the tables on your fasting experience.

Transitioning to ketosis isn't an overnight affair; it demands patience as your body adapts to burning fat for fuel instead of glucose. But don't worry, we've got strategies—like tweaking your fat intake and adding apple cider vinegar—to ease those hunger pangs.

In this guide, you'll discover practical tips designed to assist you in overcoming obstacles and keeping your keto and fasting objectives within reach.

The Role of Cortisol in Morning Hunger

Cortisol, often called the "stress hormone," plays a significant role in morning hunger while fasting and doing keto. When you wake up, cortisol levels experience a significant spike.

This spike is not just a tiny increase; it's more like a high jump athlete clearing the bar. The reason this matters is that when cortisol levels rise, it also leads to an increase in glucose (sugar) levels in the body.

This rise in blood sugar is the body's way of ensuring that you have enough energy to start your day.

However, for individuals following a ketogenic diet or practicing intermittent fasting, this increase in blood sugar can also trigger the brain to signal hunger, even if you're not hungry.

Grasping the intricate interplay of hormones is vital for those tackling unwelcome morning cravings as they commit to their nutritional objectives.

So, the next time you feel your stomach growling before breakfast while on keto or during a fasting period, remember that cortisol may be playing a role in your morning routine.

Transitioning to Ketosis: A Time-Dependent Process

Moving your body into ketosis isn't like flipping a switch. It's more akin to gradually turning up the dial on a dimmer light, requiring time for adjustments and adaptations.

This process can take several days to weeks as your body shifts from relying on glucose for energy to efficiently burning fat.

During this transition phase, it's not uncommon to experience what many refer to as the "keto flu," where symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, and irritability might emerge. But don't fret; these are signs that your body is getting used to its new fuel source.

You might want to consider adjusting your diet to ease into ketosis smoother and potentially speed up the adaptation period. Increasing healthy fat intake while keeping protein moderate and carbs low helps set the stage for ketosis.

During this transformative voyage to turn into a powerhouse that burns fat, keeping patience as your guiding star is crucial.

Strategies to Mitigate Morning Hunger

Morning hunger can be a common challenge for many individuals, especially those following specific dietary regimens. Implementing effective strategies is essential to combat this early-day appetite.

Whether you're on a low-carb diet, practicing intermittent fasting, or pursuing other nutritional approaches, understanding and adopting tailored methods can make a significant difference in managing morning hunger.

Increase Fat Intake

Ever wonder why a spoonful of peanut butter can be so satisfying? It's the fat. Upping your dietary fat is like giving your body a slow-burning log for fuel, steadying blood sugar levels, and keeping those morning hunger pangs at bay.

This isn't just talk; increasing fat intake has been shown to stabilize blood sugar levels and reduce hunger. So, think avocados, nuts, and that creamy spoonful of peanut butter.

Incorporate Apple Cider Vinegar

Your grandmother was right about apple cider vinegar. A splash before meals can work wonders for your glucose control—a faithful ally in the fight against morning cravings.

Consuming apple cider vinegar has been linked with helping stabilize blood sugar levels, setting you up for a day free from unwelcome snack attacks.

Add More Vegetables to Your Diet

Veggies are the unsung heroes when filling up without falling out of ketosis or spiking insulin levels.

They're packed with fiber and nutrients while low on calories—your perfect partners in crime for tackling keto-induced hunger head-on without compromising your diet plan.

Recognizing True Hunger Signals

Understanding when to eat while fasting hinges on recognizing true hunger, not just minor stomach grumbling. Distinguishing this difference is vital as it aids in avoiding unneeded consumption, which could halt your fasting and advancement toward ketosis.

Cortisol spikes in the morning naturally increase glucose levels, often misinterpreted as hunger. But this isn't always a sign you need food; sometimes, it's just your body waking up.

On the other hand, if you indulged in too many carbs or snacks the night before, that might lead to genuine hunger pangs due to insulin spikes.

To navigate these waters successfully, listen closely to your body. True hunger usually comes with additional signals beyond stomach noise - lightheadedness or irritability.

When these signs appear, it's probably time to break your fast wisely with keto-friendly options that won't spike your insulin further.

The Early Stages of Ketosis and Fasting

Feeling hungry in the morning while fasting and doing keto is a common hurdle in the initial stages. This phase can feel like your stomach's throwing a tantrum for missing its usual carb-filled breakfast.

The Role of Cortisol in Morning Hunger

Cortisol, our body's stress hormone, peaks in the morning, causing glucose levels to rise and signaling our brain that it's time to eat. When you're adjusting to ketosis, this natural spike can make your hunger more pronounced.

But don't worry; these intense cravings will taper off as your body adapts to burning fat for energy.

The Impact of Previous Day's Diet

If last night’s dinner was heavy on carbs or you snuck in some late-night snacks, expect insulin spikes followed by significant drops overnight. This rollercoaster affects how hungry you feel the next day.

Transitioning fully into ketosis helps stabilize these fluctuations over time, making mornings more straightforward to navigate without giving in to cravings.

healthy fats fasting clock

Understanding Appetite on Keto and During Fasting

Morning hunger while following a ketogenic diet or during fasting can be a common challenge. Despite the benefits of these approaches, some individuals may feel hungry in the morning.

Incorporating keto-friendly options like Keto Buns into your morning routine can help satisfy hunger while staying aligned with your dietary goals.

These low-carb, high-fat buns provide a satiating option that can help curb morning hunger and support your ketogenic lifestyle.


Why am I hungry in the morning while fasting and doing keto? Grasping the language of your body and its adjustments to new eating habits is vital.

Delving into morning hunger, we've dissected the roles played by cortisol levels, yesterday's nutritional choices, and the journey your body embarks on as it shifts toward ketosis.

Tweak your fat intake; this helps keep hunger at bay. Don’t forget apple cider vinegar for blood sugar stability.

And yes, more veggies can make a difference without kicking you out of ketosis.

Hunger isn't always an emergency signal to eat—sometimes, it's just noise. Distinguishing true hunger from mere stomach grumbling is critical.

The journey through fasting and keto comes with challenges but remember: these early hurdles are temporary. With patience and intelligent adjustments, you'll find smoother sailing ahead.


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