
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Why Healthy Eaters Can End Up Unhealthy!

Why Healthy Eaters Can End Up Unhealthy

You probably have heard that a healthy diet should include plenty of whole foods, vegetables, and fiber. But you may not be aware that many of these "health foods" can cause nutrient deficiencies, leaving you at risk of developing health issues.

After watching this course, you will know what essential vitamins and minerals support your metabolism and what steps you can take to boost your body's nutrient stores. 

Why your diet may be high in anti-nutrients

Nutrients support your physiological functioning and overall health. On the other hand, anti-nutrients block the absorption of essential nutrients and are found in foods like nuts and seeds, cruciferous vegetables, and spinach.

Trying to eat "healthy" may have unwittingly contributed to lower levels of vitamins and minerals in your body.

Perhaps you feel like you are doing all the right things, but nothing seems to be working. You eat healthily but still feel tired and can't shift that stubborn belly fat… Nutrient deficiencies may be to blame!

This course will cover the most common anti-nutrients, and you will learn about:

  • The role of phytic acid in preventing mineral absorption
  • How to prepare seeds and nuts to reduce anti-nutrients
  • Cruciferous vegetables and how they impact your hormonal balance
  • Why you may benefit from iodine, and how this can help your weight goals
  • How oxalate-rich foods can lower nutrient absorption and increase kidney stone risk
  • A simple trick you can use to lower anti-nutrients in foods
You can't get all nutrients from plant foods 

Vegetables are an essential part of the Healthy Keto diet. But relying on vegetables alone for balanced nutrition can deplete your nutrient stores.

This minicourse will cover the nutrients you can't obtain from plant foods and explains why a vegan or vegetarian diet may not be the best choice for your health.

You will understand how to boost your iron levels, balance vitamin B12, and get the necessary amounts of vitamin A from your diet. 

Why a low-fat diet may be the wrong choice for your health

Without a balanced diet, you can lack nutrients like vitamins A, D, E, and K. Absorption of these vitamins requires both dietary fat and well-functioning digestion.

This course will help you understand why sluggish digestion, eating low-fat foods, and having gallbladder issues can interfere with your nutritional status.

A lack of fat-soluble vitamins can lead to a range of health conditions:

  • Vision problems
  • Weight gain or inability to lose weight
  • Sinus problems
  • Hormone imbalances
  • Bone and joint issues
  • Blood sugar imbalances

Find out why your health depends on these nutrients and how dietary fat enhances their absorption. You will learn how to support your digestion to boost nutrient levels and discover the role of friendly bacteria in your body's nutrient balance.

The right diet is a crucial cornerstone of health and longevity. Take this short course to understand the next steps to reach your health goals.