Reversing 18 years of obesity in 8 months

Images Story

By: Gupteswar

Growing up like most of the Asian countries the staple diet in India which is I'm from, is and was heavily relied on rice and derived recipes.

In the 6th grade, my weight was 60kg, the fattest kid in the class. Fast forward to 2017, I was still struggling with obesity at the 131kg peak level. It took me 36 months/3 years/the year 2020 to drop to 115 Kg[254 Pounds]. Then one day I came across videos from Dr. Berg. Thanks to YouTube recommendations and I got to know about intermittent fasting with the keto diet. With excellent guidelines of his, I FINALLY got the answer on why foods are really good for you, what food prevents you from getting healthy, and WHY EXACTLY I WAS SUFFERING FROM CHRONIC FOOD CRAVING WITH FATIGUE and not to mention HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE.

I used to heavily snack on wafers, pet cola bottles, and all kinds of refined oil fried foodstuff. Weekends had added bonuses with doubling the amount of either of those above mention varieties. The first 2 weeks were difficult because of refined carb withdrawal symptoms and the new regime of diet and intermittent fasting. Watching and learning about the science behind it made the adaptation phase very easy. As he recommends, first is to get healthy and losing weight is just the side effect (benefit) and in order to get there certainly dieting is 85% +15% is exercise.  I succeeded at it while dropping 30 Kg [67 Pounds] within 8months/Jun 2020-January 2021. My blood pressure went to normal while I went from size 4XL to Medium for my outfits and my waistline went down to 36" from 42". I began with a stable 3 meals a day (no snacking) to 2 meals a day 18:6 fast eventually worked my way up to a 5:2 week fasting regime with 4 days of 20:4 fasting and 1 day of OMAD [pics attached]. I mostly focused on the diet part because of the lockdown. My mistakes were not adding enough saturated fat to my diet for better longevity on my fasting duration because of the old habits and myths. 

My advice for the newbies would be

1.Accountability: Maintaining Food Dairy in mobile apps Ex: MyFitnessPal. Focusing on only daily Macronutrients intake instead of Calorie counting would make a huge difference.


2.Consistency: Keto. IF. Repeat. The feeling of agitation is allowed, it's temporary. Always to remember fitness is not a sprint run, it's a marathon.


3.Self Learning: Knowing and changing mindset is the key to success and the best source is Dr Berg's informative videos. Also knowing 56 nicknames for hidden sugar would help a lot during grocery shopping. Again it's just a look back, if you combine intermittent fasting with the keto diet then the fear for crash n burn that might first come up in the head will never come up as things get easier with lots of spare time and energy to focus on. Dr Berg is truly the Knowledge Doctor and I'm really grateful for his expertise and kind sharing. I'm looking forward to this new lifestyle which I never had, all thanks to him. • Fav drink during fasting: Green tea, acv lemon water, tulsi green tea • Fav food: Eggs, Parantha with ghee, Chickpea curry, sauteed cabbage and green paper salad with ghee Spurge eating days: Sunday and Saturday( Chicken biryani)

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