
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Joseph Golisano Shares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto

Images Story

By: Joseph Golisano

I quit smoking in Feb 1995 I was smoking 4 packs a day I weighed 162 lbs I immediately started gaining weight so I built a gym in my basement regularly worked out 6 days a week on the treadmill for 4 miles an hour and doing strength training 3 days a week. I gained 80 lbs and I could not loose even 1 lb I did this for 8 years then through in the towel and figured I could never loose the weight.fast forward to June 2013 I received a video from Joel Marion at bio trust nutrition it was called the 24 hour diet which consisted of a protein shake at noon a shake at 3 pm and a sensible meal by 6pm once a week cheat day I started losing 2lbs a week. 8 lbs a month 10 months later 80 lbs down 14 months later 96.4 lbs lost then down to 100lbs lost.I couldn't loose 1 lb then I lost 100lbs without exercising. Thank you Joel Marion bio trust nutrition

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