
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Eric Bangerter Shares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto

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By: Eric Bangerter

I lost 50 pounds in just 3 months from eating a strict Ketogenic diet, Intermittent Fasting, and Full Body exercise. I had a physical check up with my doctor in November 2017, and he told me that I need to exercise...3 times! Lol. I weighed over 250 pounds and am 6’ 3” tall. I started the diet in Jan 2018, and as of today I weigh 195 pounds. I have you to thank for posting all of the videos about proper dieting and exercising. It has truly been life changing. My coworkers are also onboard with the Keto diet now that they’ve seen how much I lost. One of them is type 2 diabetic, and since he started the Keto diet, he hasn’t had to take any of his medication because his blood sugar is normal. Thanks again for all of your videos. They’re short and sweet and to the point. Very easy to understand

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